Ceremonial launch of the Trebs and Titov oil fields held in the Nenets autonomous region was attended by Arkady Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, press center of RF Government says.
In his speech Arkady Dvorkovich emphasized the priority meaning of this project for Russia. “We launch the test production at one of the continent’s largest oil fields. This event confirms successful development of Russia’s oil industry,” he said.
The field of Roman Trebs was discovered in 1987, the field of Anatoly Titov – in 1989.
The licensed block comprising these two fields covers the area of 2.151 square kilometers. Its С1+С2 reserves registered in the State Balance amount to 140.06 mln t.
The license is held by Bashneft OJSC (valid from February 22, 2011, till February 11, 2036 with a possibility to extend it).
As part of preparation for pilot production, in 2011–2013 Bashneft-Polyus, which operates the T&T project, constructed facilities and connected 12 exploration wells at the R. Trebs field to associated equipment. The facilities constructed by the company include: over 40 kilometres of oil-gathering pipelines, about 80 kilometres of power transmission lines, the first stage of the Central Gathering Station (CGS) with the capacity of up to 1.5 million tonnes per year, a metering station, a high-pressure pipeline connecting the CGS at the Trebs oilfield and the metering station at Varandey with the total length of more than 31 kilometres, as well as several auxiliary facilities.
Oil produced at the R. Trebs field is supplied via the pipeline to the metering station at Varandey and then to the Varandey terminal. In accordance with the licence agreement, the amount of oil equal to 42% of produced hydrocarbons will be supplied to Bashneft’s refineries in Ufa.
Commercial production at the R. Trebs and A. Titov fields is to start in 2016. Under the project, oil production is expected to reach a plateau of about 4.8 million tonnes per year by 2020.