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2015 December 11   09:59

Nordic Yards delivers 7MW rescuer Murman to the customer

Ceremonial hoisting of Russian flag on the multipurpose salvage vessel Murman, Project MPSV06, built by Nordic Yards Wismar GmbH (Germany) was held on December 10, 2015, Nordic Yards told IAA PortNews.

MPSV Murman has been officially delivered to the state customer, Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation. 

In the telegram sent to RF Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov and other ceremony participants, RF President Vladimir Putin emphasized that the construction of Murman and Beringov Proliv rescuers (both built in a record-short time) is a remarkable example of successful cooperation ties between Russian manufacturers of unique rescue, navigation and electrical equipment and German shipbuilders. 

The vessel will be operated by the Northern Branch of Rosmorrechflot’s Sea Rescue Service.

“We have delivered to the customer an ultramodern rescuer of a high ice class. The ship has no equals in the world today. The Murman means German quality, cutting-edge European technologies and the best of Russian state-of-the-art equipment,” said Vitaly Yusufov, Chairman of the Management Board at Nordic Yards. – Simultaneous deployment of the two ships, Murman and Beringov Proliv, at the Sakhalin will actually give a fresh impetus to the development of the Northern Sea Route, enhance the safety level of coastal and open sea operations, provide crucially new opportunities for rescue services of today’s Russia and reinforce the country’s rescue fleet. We are ready to go on with providing Russian transport industry with a high class innovative products at competitive prices and also develop industrial cooperation with Russian shipbuilders.”

Multi-purpose MPSV06 salvage ice-breaker vessel has Icebreaker 6 class and unrestricted area of navigation; she has ice-breaker stem and cruiser aft end, enlarged double-tier forecastle and living quarters located fore. There are also a diesel-electric power station with ER located in the middle part of hull, two full-circle rudder propellers and bow thrusters. Thanks to her equipment the ship can participate in fire-fighting operations, combating oil spills, search and rescue operations, emergency towing  even in extreme weather conditions while her onboard hospital facilities enable the medical treatment of people who have been saved.

The Project was designed by Marine Engineering Bureau. Working documentation for the vessel's construction was issued by engineering center of Nordic Yards Wismar GmbH.
Characteristics: LOA – 87.75 m, BOA – 19.10 m, depth – 9.00 m. draft – 6.52 m, full speed – 15 knots, crew – 22 including 2 medics, special personnel – 12, endurance – 30 days, driven by two 3,500 kW Azipods. Class notation of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping - КМ (*) Icebreaker 6 [2] AUT1-ICS OMBO FF2WS DYNPOS-2 EPP Salvage ship.

The ceremonial hoisting of the flag of the Russian Federation at the Beringov Proliv ship will be held in late December in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Nordic Yards is among the leaders in special shipbuilding. It has three production locations in Germany - Rostock-Warnemünde, Wismar and Volkswerft Stralsund. The company specializes in the construction of offshore platforms, ice-class vessels, ferries and passenger ships.
Related links:

Acceptance/delivery certificate signed for Beingov Proliv, lead ship of Project MPSV06 (photo)>>>>

Multi-purpose salvage ice-breaker Murman underwent sea trials (photo) >>>>


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