Inspectors cannot ask for paper copies of VGM certificates under port control procedures in seaports of the Russian Federation effective from July 1, 2016, Vitaly Klyuev, Acting Director of Transport Ministry’s Department of State Policy for Maritime and River Transport, said when answering the question of Maersk representative at the round table meeting on shipping issues held in Moscow on May 30th.
Vitaly Klyuev explained that according to Paris MOU PSC Circular issued on May 27, 2016 an inspector should make sure that a captain has a VGM information used for ship stowage planning. A captain can confirm it orally. IN case of any doubts a captain can provide VGM information in electronic format.
Under Paris MOU PSC Circular absence of VGM information alone is not a ground for a vessel detention.
If port control inspector has any doubts in respect of VGM he should thoroughly study the documents on vessel stability calculation.
Container weight verification global requirement outlined by the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) will begin being enforced on July 1, 2016. Shippers will be responsible for the verification of the packed container’s weight.
Related links:
RS authorized by Transport Ministry to survey organizations to conduct SOLAS container weight verification >>>>
RF Transport Ministry clarifies procedure for implementation of SOLAS Container Weight Verification Requirement (photo) >>>>