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  3. STLC capital to be built up for construction of ferries to service Vanino-Kholmsk line

2016 December 16   15:55

STLC capital to be built up for construction of ferries to service Vanino-Kholmsk line

The capital of State Transport Leasing Company (STLC PJSC) is planned to be built up for construction of ferries to service Vanino-Kholmsk line, says an explanatory note to the draft order of RF Government.

An open tender for construction of ferries under the Federal Targeted Programme “Economic and Social Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region till 2018” (FE & BR FTP) was announced several times but used to end with either no bids or bids exceeding the initial price.

The market analysis showed that the cost of two ferries considerably exceeds the allocations under FE & BR FTP (financing foreseen under the FTP - RUB 5.544 bln)

To ensure a break-even functioning of the Vanino-Kholmsk ferry service and effectiveness for the budget it is proposed to implement the project with the use of leasing mechanism and raising of off-budget resources.

In this case federal resources are contributed to the authorized capital of STLC, loans with acceptable rates are raised, vessels are leased out to the line operator.

According to the RF Government Decree of 4 February 2009 (No 93) "About implementation on behalf of the Russian Federation of shareholder rights of State Transport Leasing Company OJSC", RF Transport Ministry is entitled to implement on behalf of the Russian Federation of shareholder rights of State Transport Leasing Company OJSC.

STLC has developed a draft programme for ferries leasing.

Also, an agreement on cooperation between RF Transport Ministry and Sakhalin Region Government has been drafted. The parties will cooperate in the framework of the project to replace the vessels operating at the Vanino-Kholmsk line through construction of two rail/motor ferries.

Draft decree of the Government is under the procedure of anti-corruption analysis.

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2024 December 17