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  3. Alliance LLC will get Damen InvaSave 300 under agreement with Damen (photo)

2017 February 27   16:28

Alliance LLC will get Damen InvaSave 300 under agreement with Damen (photo)

Damen Shipyards Group (the Netherlands) and Alliance LLC (Russia) have signed an Agreement of Intent o supply of  Damen InvaSave 300 to the Russian company by 30 April 2017. Damen says the document was signed in the framework of the conference "Implementation of the BWMC in Russia. What needs to be done by September?" which has opened in Moscow today, 27 February 2017. The Conference was organized by Media Group PortNews with the assistance of the Russian Ministry of Transport.

The document was signed by Peter Anssems, Sales Manager, Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, and Vyacheslav Lobikov, Director General, Alliance LLC.

The Damen InvaSave ballast water treatment (BWT) system has been first presented in Russia. 

InvaSave is an optimal solution for implementation of the BWMC. It can be used in seaports as a mobile unit for vessels the owners of which are not able or not willing to upgrade their vessels by BWMC entering into force. 

The InvaSave system can be supplied as a self-sufficient unit within a container. This can then be mounted on a barge or other platform so as to move around the harbour. Multiple units can be mounted in parallel to increase capacity.

The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC 2004) will enter into force on September 8, 2017. The BWMC was adopted in order to prevent or minimize the spread of harmful aquatic organisms from one region to another, by establishing standards and procedures for the management and control of ships' ballast water and sediments.

Damen Shipyards Group (with its Head Office in Gorinchem, the Netherlands) operates 40 ship- and repair yards employing 9,000 people worldwide.  Damen has delivered more than 6,000 vessels in more than 100 countries and delivers approximately 180 vessels annually to customers worldwide.  Damen specializes in construction of tugs, boats, patrol vessels, high-speed craft, cargo ships, dredgers, platform service vessels, oil spill response ships, frigates and super yachts.  

Alliance LLC ensures operation of auxiliary fleet at the ports of Vyborg and Vysotsk as well as at RPK-Vysotsk-Lukoil-II and at the berths of Vyborg shipyard. Alliance LLC maintains water areas of freezing ports in working conditions.

Alliance LLC has a certified safety management system complying with the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention.


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