Konstantin Anisimov, who had been heading Moscow River Shipping Company for 17 years has been appointed as Prorector of Russian Transport University (MIIT).
In his interview with IAA PortNews, Konstantin Anisimov said that the key task of the educational institution’s authorities is to launch training of water transport specialists.
In fulfillment of RF President’s Order dated 15.08.2016 (No Пр-174ГС) and in compliance with the Decree of RF Government dated 31.12.2016 (No 2928-р), Russian Transport University was established at the premises of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering.
The University’s education and scientific activities are to focus on a comprehensive transformation of transport and logistic infrastructure, support of transport projects implemented through private-public partnership, new technologies for cargo/passenger transportation, transport security, construction of transport infrastructure.
The University includes: Russian Academy of Transport Routes (RAPS); Russian Open Academy of Transport (ROAT); Liberal Institute (GI); Institute of International Transport Communications (IMTK); Institute of Applied Technology (IPT); Institute of Routes, Construction and Structures (IPSS); Institute of Transport Facilities and Management Systems (ITTSU); Institute of Management and Information Technologies (IUIT); Institute of Economics and Finance (IEF); Russian-German Institute (RNI); Law Institute (YuI); Research and Development Institute of Transport and Transport Construction (NII TTS).