Baltiysky Zavod JSC (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, USC) and FSUE Atomflot (part of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom) have signed a contract for the construction of a multifunctional nuclear service vessel (MNSV). It is intended for performing a full range of works on recharging nuclear power plants of nuclear-powered icebreakers, as well as the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant (FNPP), and, in the future, pgraded floating power units (FPU), says press center of Baltiysky Zavod shipyard.
Baltiysky Zavod JSC has been determined as the sole executor of the state contract for MNSV construction by order of RF Government. The contract was signed by Leonid Irlitsa, Acting General Director of FSUE Atomflot, and Yury Gordienkov, General Director of Baltiysky Zavod JSC.
“The multifunctional nuclear support vessel will ensure the proper functioning of the modern icebreaking group. Financing of its construction is expected according to the following scheme: 50% from the budget of the Russian Federation, 50% from Rosatom’s investment programme. The construction is foreseen by the Northern Sea Route Development Plan until 2035 and approved by the order of RF Government. The completion is scheduled for 2029,” said Victor Yevtukhov, State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
“The transition to full life cycle contracts is a modern trend in many industries. Therefore, when building nuclear-powered icebreakers today, we must simultaneously think about how their maintenance can be carried out in 10, 20, 30 years efficiently and economically. Starting to build a multifunctional nuclear service vessel, we are eager to ensure long and safe operation of nuclear icebreakers, floating nuclear power units and the entire Atomflot,” said Alexey Rakhmanov, General Director of USC.
MNSV of Project 22770 is designed to carry out the following technological operations: unloading of spent nuclear fuel from the reactor units of ships in service; loading of fresh nuclear fuel into the reactor units of ships in service; acceptance, storage and distribution of liquid radioactive waste generated during the operation of ship reactor units, as well as in the process of refueling; cooling of spent fuel elements in order to reduce residual heat releases; loading of cooled spent fuel elements into shipping containers for transfer for recycling; decontamination of removable equipment of ship reactor plants and refueling equipment.
Key particulars of MNSV: LOA — 158.8 m; BOA — 26 m; draft — 7.5 m; power — 9.28 MW (shaft power); displacement — 22,661 t; speed — 12 knots; ice class — Arc5.
Project 22770 has been developed by Central Design Bureau Iceberg.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia based Baltiysky Zavod shipyard (Baltic Shipyard) was established in 1856 and today is a 100% subsidiary of the state-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC). The shipyard specializes in the construction of Rank 1 surface crafts, ice class vessels with nuclear and diesel-electric propulsion, of nuclear floating energy units and floating distilling plants. Baltic Shipyard has built over 600 ships and vessels. The shipyard employs more than 6,000 people.