2016 December 13   14:38

Icebreakers assist shipping in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, escorted 8 merchant vessels

Since yesterday three icebreakers have escorted 8 merchant ships in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Ports Authority's Ice Operations HQ said.

In Big Port St. Petersburg: there are icebreakers Ivan Kruzenshtern and Dezhnev, icebreaker Kapitan M. Izmaylov on access channels to ports of Vyborg, Vysotsk and on Saimaa Canal, engaged in escort of ships, clearing channel, etc.

There are also several vessels ready to be deployed: icebreakers "Vladivostok", "St. Petersburg", "Mudyug", "Kapitan Sorokin", "Yermak", "Murmansk".
The remaining icebreakers are undergoing maintenance.

Since the beginning of this winter shipping season the icebreaking fleet has escorted 50 merchant vessels.

In some areas of the Neva Bay the ice thickness reaches 10-15 cm. In the northern part of the Gulf of Vyborg it is about 7 cm. According to weather forecast, the ice formation will be unstable.

As of midnight, Dec. 13, 2016 the ATB units will not be allowed to sail in water basin of Big Port St. Petersburg; as from midnight, Dec. 16 merchant vessels will be allowed to sail here only with assistance of icebreakers; ships with Ice1 class and above will be allowed to sail independently upon receiving permission / guidelines or escorted by icebreaker.

As of midnight, December 26, 2016 when ice thickness reaches 10-15 cm in the seaport Big Port St. Petersburg and on access channels ice navigation restrictions will come into force: ships without ice class will be allowed to sail in the ice covered waters only with assistance of icebreakers; ships with Ice1 class and above will be allowed to sail  independently upon receiving permission / guidelines or escorted by icebreaker.

At the same time one-way traffic will be established on Kronstadt Korabelny fairway and St. Petersburg sea channel.

In the basin of Vyborg port and on its access channels with solid ice thickness of 10-15 cm the ATB units will be banned from sailing in icecovered waters as of midnight, Dec. 19, 2016; vessels without ice class should request for icebreaking assistance; vessels with Ice1 class hulls and above can sail independently or under escort of icebreakers.

Ice restrictions at the seaport of Vysotsk and on access channels will come into effect as from 00:00 (Moscow Time), December 12, 2016: ships without ice class should request icebreaker assistance; ships with Ice1 class notation will be allowed to sail independently or under escort of icebreakers; the ATB units are not allowed to enter the port.

Currently, there are no ice restrictions announced at the seaport of Primorsk and on its access channels.