2017 September 5   13:30

Training for port security drills led by IMO in Nigeria

A workshop in Lagos, Nigeria has helped train Nigerian officials in the necessary skills and knowledge to plan, conduct and assess security drills and exercises in their port facilities. The event (28 August – 1 September) focused on port security measures of the Organization’s ISPS Code.

The participants included designated authority officials, port facilities security officials, ISPS auditors, national regulators and ISPS inspectors. Led by an IMO team of consultants and organized with the Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) – the workshop involved theoretical lessons, discussions, group work and hands-on practical exercises in planning, conducting and evaluating exercises in compliance with the ISPS Code.

The training event is the third of a three-phase technical assistance programme, designed by IMO following a 2016 needs-assessment mission, to help support NIMASA’s maritime security programme.