2022 August 15   13:13

The Lower Parana Coast Guards revises speed regulations on Parana river

On 11 August 2022 the Lower Parana Coast Guards (Zona Bajo Parana) have enacted Joint Disposition 118/2022 modifying the speed limit regulation in the stretch Km. 406 ~ 435 Paraná River (Arroyo Seco / Rosario) as follows:

 River level +0.70 m or higher: sailing downriver 10 knots; sailing upriver 9 knots

 River level less than +0.70 m: 9 knots both ways (downriver and upriver)

 In all cases: 6% allowance.

 Speed could be exceeded only exceptionally for safety reasons in communication with VTS

Previously the speed was limited to 9 knots +/- 6% in all cases.

There has been an increase in Coast Guards Enquiries / Fines received in the last two years due to breach of speed regulations. Particularly, between Km. 406~435 of the Parana River where the Coast Guard has intensified the control via AIS/VTS as a consequence of the low water levels experienced. According to the latest report of the Water National Institute (INA), the forecast until 31 October 2022 does not suggest a quick recovery of the normal water level in the Parana River, which, probably, will remain below historical average during the last semester of 2022, regardless of the recovery observed in March / April 2022 and occasional but temporary rise that could be experienced.

To avoid wash damages and fines, it would be paramount for the Master to consult the Pilot about speed restrictions and the voyage plan, to ensure same are observed by reference to ship's SOG, and, if same shall be exceeded for any reason, to ensure that the Pilot communicates this to the VTS beforehand.