2006 April 17   11:49

Northern shipyard has acquired international certificate of Quality Management System

The authority of international organization on certification, BVQI granted the certificate of Quality Management System (QMS), to Shipbuilding factory Northern shipyard OJSC, certifying its conformity to ISO requirements 9001:2000. This was announced in the press release of the factory.
As it was stated in the press release, the Northern shipyard was one of the first in shipbuilding to start to deal with a complex control system of production quality. Work begun in 1975, and in 1979 the branch commission accepted the system, Gosstandart registered its operating draft. All problems were solved according to unified system of the government quality of production the purpose of which was to provide construction of the ships and the vessels corresponding to parameters of quality of the best domestic and foreign samples. Twice, in 1979 and in 1985, the factory was awarded with diplomas of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and Gosstandart For achieving the Best Results in Output of High Quality Products. Also the factory was awarded with prize of the Ministry for development of the new equipment being at a level of the best domestic and foreign analogues ("roll-on" ships 1607 and 16071, furniture, ship mechanical engineering, means of technological equipment). Now the parameters of work on quality are still to be considered as one of the basic characteristics of work of the company and necessary condition for licensing of its activity. In 1999 Northern shipyard one of the first shipbuilding companies in Russia received the certificate of approval BVQI for Systems of quality under the version of ISО standard of series 9000:1994. During the period from February 27th till March 3rd, 2006 highly skilled experts of BVQI carried out the certified audit QMS under the new version of ISО standard 9001:2000. No discrepancies have been revealed from results of the inspection. Auditors of BVQI marked the high competence of the personnel regarding questions of quality management, and also big steps were taken towards the improvement of functioning of QMS factory. The actions taken within the limits of QMS, and also the reception of an international certificate by Northern shipyard are the certain stages in a rise of competitiveness of production of the factory in the international market and becoming a leadership in domestic shipbuilding, press release reports.