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  • Port & Terminal Concessions Course 2017
  • Port & Terminal Concessions Course 2017

    Dates:   2017 November 23 - 2017 November 24

    The objective of the Port & Terminal Concessions course – taking place in London on 23 - 24 November 2017 - is to enable participants to implement a successful long-term port Public Private Partnership by providing guidelines for an optimal tender process and sharing in depth knowledge on valuable, bankable and enforceable port concession agreements. The course is organised by Port Finance International, the leading online news portal and community for the latest developments in port investment and operations, and in association with by MTBS, the leading port and terminal strategy and transaction advisory.

    The course details the four main steps towards the successful implementation and execution of port and terminal concession agreements:

    • Structuring the Port PPP
    • Designing the Tender Process
    • Drafting the Concession Agreement
    • Managing the Concession Agreement in Practice

    The course will assume a business driven approach, highlighting the public and private side of the contract. 
    The material will be illustrated by drawing from recent port and terminal cases. The course will also identify key legal issues and showstoppers regularly encountered in port PPPs.

    Who is it for?

    The Port and Terminal Concessioning Course is developed as a tool for capacity building for different audiences:

    • Staff members, (mid)-management and executives from the port sector, public or private, (to be) involved with port PPP and concession agreements
    • Legal specialists from public or private entities (to be) involved with port PPP and port concession agreements


    For optimal results, a certain level of experience is expected. 
    The participants are required to speak English and be familiar with port business and basic financial concepts

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