• 2006 September 14

    Software know-how of Vladmorrybport OJSC

    Vladivostok sea fishing port plans to increase container cargo transshipment in 2006 by 50% against 2005. It should reach 42 096 TEU. Planned dynamics is confirmed by operational indicators of the first half of the year: container turnover growth is 60%. The company managed to achieve these results owing to modernization of the terminal production facilities and management system.


    Focus at containers
    Development program of Vladivostok sea fishing port OJSC (Vladrybport, VSFP), commenced in 2005 implies integrated modernization and technical upgrade of the port. According to the press service of the stevedoring company, the program is focused at the development of container terminal not just as a transshipment complex, but as an independent regional logistics center. In particular, one of the factors to ensure competitiveness of VSFP is to develop a set of additional services for the customers: installation of powerful cranes, modernization of the platform for imported cars and the facilities for export timber loading. One of the key elements of the port development program is introduction of a unique system called Container terminal management 1.0 on the basis of UPP 1С 8.0».


    Under software control
    Automatization of accounting of all the transactions at the container terminal has been carried out by the specialists of TEAM infos" Co.Ltd, Vladivostok. The company has developed a subsystem Container Terminal Management on the basis 1С UPP platform. Michail Selyutin, deputy General Director on economy and finance, told to PortNews IAA correspondent, that test operation of the new software was started at the terminal on July 1 of the current year. “We can already say that new software is to enable us not only to improve and speed up container handling at the port but also to provide our customers with modern integrated service similar to multifunctional logistics terminals of the world”, he said. Selyutin also noted that complete value of subsystem introduction at the terminal amounted to 400 thou rubles – “The project has been implemented at considerable low investments and has good development perspectives. It is available for the company personnel and meets all the necessary requirements”.

    Everything is taken into account
    The subsystem provides the possibility to account 20-feet and 40-feet containers as regards cargo operations, warehousing, filling and un-filling, custom clearance, cargo inspection and sealing. The system registers corresponding operations and automatically puts stamps and marks at the Bill of Lading («Goods arrived», «customs cargo», «closed B/L», «container export permitted»). The subsystem is equipped with electronic data exchange with Excel usually used for exchange with shipping lines.

    When developing new software for container terminal considerable attention was paid to decrease of the personnel’s load in terms of data registration, - Igor Timofeev, Director of TEAM infos told to PortNews IAA. The work has solved such issues as quick search of information in references and balances, visual development of documents, entry of a manifesto for vessel unloading from Excel file, entry of an order for vessel loading from the Excel file, simplified entry of credit-debt both from and for trucks and wagons. Considering current re-organization of the platforms, the mode of automatic determination of container’s place in credit is used. Today this mode is applied at the majority of platforms, Timofeev added.


    New fleet for the growing cargo flow
    Parallel to introduction of the new software at the container terminal, Vladrybport has carried out partial renewal of loading equipment fleet. In the first half of the year the port acquired Kalmar DRF-450 reach-stacker and a frame crane for the container terminal.

    Michail Selyutin is sure that “Container terminal modernization will enable the port to attract new cargo flows”. Port management hopes to get more containers from the lines of permanent customers – Kamchatka Lines CJSC, Magistral Container Lines (MCL), Far-East Shipping Company.


    Vladivostok sea fishing port OJSC is the leading company of the Far East. It was incorporated in 1994. The company provides all the services related to multipurpose of transshipment complex through transshipment of containers, metal structures, motorcars, timber and general cargo. Port cargo turnover amounted in 2005 to 1 247 thou tons of cargo. Last year the company handled 462 vessels (against 431 over the previous year), 17 367 wagons (against 20 261 wagons in 2004), transshipped 22 143 TEU (against 13 075 TEU over the previous year). From January to June 2006 the port handled 599.6 thou tons of cargo, including 66% of export, 9% - import and 25% coastal transportation.


    Container turnover of Vladmorrybport OJSC over the first 8 months of 2006.

      January 2 238 TEU  
      February 1 650 TEU  
      March 2 327 TEU  
      April 1 445 TEU  
      May 3 261 TEU  
      June 2 963 TEU  
      July 3 418 TEU  
      August 4 511 TEU  
      TOTAL  21 813,00 TEU  

    Malysheva Nadezhda