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  • Rosmorrechflot distances itself from solving the problem of pontoon bridge across the Volga river in Nizhnij Novgorod
  • 2006 September 26

    Rosmorrechflot distances itself from solving the problem of pontoon bridge across the Volga river in Nizhnij Novgorod

    Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport under Transport Ministry of RF (Rosmorrechflot) responded to the appeal of Tanker Union NP (Non-Profit Partnership) as regards the possibility to increase draw-period for the bridge over the Volga river in Nizhnij Novgorod: the schedule of draw periods is coordinated with the schedule passenger and cargo vessels at the Volga and having considered proposals of a number of shipping companies. This information is contained in the message having been sent by Dmitrij Dmitrienko, Agency’s Deputy Head, to Peter Razumov, President of Tanker Union NP. The document says nothing about Rosmorrechflot’s intention to participate in solving of the problem. Dmitrienko delegates the issue for consideration of regional authorities: “Today Volga State Basin Authority under Government of Nizhnij Novgorod considers the issue on increase of draw-period for the pontoon bridge over the Volga river taking into account economic aspects related to operation of different transport types”.


    Vyacheslav Korolev, Director of Nizhnij Novgorod Branch of Vision Fleet Company, provided PortNews IAA with the following comments: “this message is nothing more than protection of the Federal Agency’s honor”. According to him, the schedule of the bridge operation during this navigation is a very tough one.


    As it was reported earlier, Peter Razumov, President of Tanker Union NP asked Rosmorrechflot in August to increase draw-period for the pontoon bridge over the Volga river in Nizhnij Novgorod, since navigation was very complicated even without that. “Ship owners have under-load large vessels becauseof shallow depth at this part of the river”, the letter said. “The vessels waiting for a bridge to be drawn, especially in evening hours, prevent large vessels from coming to the Balakhna road, thus it takes 2 more days to go along the Nizhnij Novgorod – Gorodets part. Shallow-draft vessels suffer both in mornings and in evenings, when pontoon bridge is drawn down. The same situation is with large vessels being partly unloaded for passing of shallow parts, - remark of PortNews IAA. All these factor have high negative effect on economic situation of shipping companies since it threatens implementation of obligations and may result in fines imposed on shipping companies by ship owners.


    Peter Razumov reminded PortNews IAA similar situation, which existed in Nizhnij Novgorod in 2004. At that time the Government of Nizhnij Novgorod region issued the order approving the following schedule for the pontoon bridge operation: navigation pass was to be closed twice a day from Monday to Sunday inclusively from 05.30 to 08.00 and from 16.30 to 22.00. The only thing that succeeded in protection of ship owners’ interests was prompt measures undertaken by the management of the Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport under Transport Ministry of RF (Rosmorrechflot) – navigation schedule was not changed allowing to avoid enormous losses caused by transport fleet demurrage. There was a compromise found -  navigation pass was closed on Mondays from 05.30 to 08.00. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday – from 05.30 to 08.00 and from 16.30 to 22.00. This schedule was also used for navigation of 2005.


    Information from PortNews IAA:


    Starting from 1994 pontoon bridge was erected every year at the site of railway-higway bridge over the Volga-river. Its operation schedule used to be the following: navigation pass was closed (the bridge is drawn down) on Friday and Sunday from 16.00 to 22.00, on Saturday – from 17.00 to 22.00.

    The Governor of Nizhnij Novgorod region signed the order No273-Р issued by the Government of Nizhnij Novgorod region in order to approve the following schedule for the pontoon bridge operation: navigation pass was to be closed twice a day from Monday to Sunday inclusively from 05.30 to 08.00 and from 16.30 to 22.00.

    Then Rosmorrechflot introduced new navigation schedule: navigation pass was closed on Mondays from 05.30 to 08.00, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday – from 05.30 to 08.00 and from 16.30 to 22.00. Thisschedule was also used for navigation of 2005.


    At the beginning of pontoon bridge operation started from June 5, 2006 the region’s Governor having coordinated the issue with Federal State Administration of Volga state basin board on water ways and shipping approved the Government’s Order No386 dated 30.05.2006 on the pontoon bridge operation schedule with daily close of navigation pass: Monday-Thursday morning 05.30 - 08.00, evening 17.00 - 20.00; Friday morning - 05.30 - 08.00, evening 15.30 - 22.00, Saturday-Sunday morning 05.30 - 08,00, evening 17.00-22.00.

    Last alteration of the schedule introduced by the region Government on coordination with FSA of Volga SBB dated 25.07.2006 increased draw-down period on Monday-to-Thursday evenings by 1.5 hours (from 16.30 to 21.00).


    Malysheva Nadezhda