• 2006 December 15

    Instead of two old ones

    New form of a unified administrative document will be introduced in Russia from the beginning of the coming year. Cargo Customs Declaration/Transit Declaration (CCD/TD) will enable the use of a unified set of blank forms stitched together instead of application of separate forms for cargo and transit declarations.


    CCD/TD: two-in-one

    Current Cargo Customs Declaration is our national document not conforming with international standards. Members of European Union and European Free Trade Association have use a unified administrative document export, import and transit of goods. This system covers 32 countries today. From January 1, 2007 new CCD/TD form will be introduced in Russia. This document is considered to become the first stage in transition to a unified system of cargo clearance in compliance with European standard.

    Andrei Belianinov, head of Federal Customs Service, believes that introduction of a new declaration will raise collection of customs payments, simplify customs procedures and make it much more complicated for those violating customs legislation. Besides, it is to facilitate Russia’s entry to WTO. Russian customs has been moving to introduction of this document from 1994, when an Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation was signed between Russia and Europe Union. The Agreement implied simplification of customs procedures. All the efforts made over this period are estimated by Belianinov as an extensive work including that aimed at the change of a legal framework. “There still some question as regards beginning of the new document application. But they are possible to be solved,” Belianinov says.


    No objections

    System adjustment is among such solvable issues. Both customs and participants of foreign economic activities acknowledge it will need a certain time before the system starts smooth operation. However, Konstantin Sharshakov, deputy head of the North-West branch of the International Motor Carriers Association, thinks that there should be no faulty operations or loss of working hours related to re-training of customs workers. It is typical for the first two or three weeks to have decreased rates of foreign economic activities, Shrshakov told PortNews IAA, - a certain fall in transportation is possible, financial results may decrease 2-fold. So the customs will have some free time to solve possible problems.

    Nevertheless, both the customs and the participants of FEA are being currently re-trained. Main Scientific research center of FCS will hold the trial of the system in December. The web-site of FCS contains all the necessary information. As for any possible questions which may rise in the process the customs is going to discuss them at a virtual consulting center of the site.

    Customs broker representative has told PortNews IAA that a lot of issues are to be solved at the seminars. “Of course, there are certain questions, though I don’t see any principal novelties to rise difficulties,” he said. “We depend on the situation since it is not a broker to decide if it is going to follow the new system. So the most important thing for brokers is to have the software. As for the blank forms, we have acquired them already”.


    Transit advantages

    Owing to a new document transit is getting much more attractive, which is the main advantage of a new system. The majority of goods coming from Asia to Europe are carried by sea, the customs says. Simplification of customs control should result in dozens of times increase of transit via Russia. Konstantin Vins, deputy head of customs control of Siberia Customs, new system will enable us to get more detailed information when tracing cargo at the territory of Russia.

    As for carriers, they see the advantages of the new system in decreased number of documents. The Association notes that the carriers will be relieved from filling delivery control document and a number of other documents. Execution of documents takes about 25 minutes, Sharshakov says. – Introduction of a unified document may decrease this time by five minutes. 
    Larisa Chausova