• 2007 November 12

    Ten accidents in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov

    The storm caused ten accidents with cargo ships in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov on November 11.

    At least 7 shipwrecks were registered in the Sea of Azov. As ITAR-TASS learnt from Elena Vilikova, representative of Southern transport prosecutor’s office, referring to transport prosecutor’s office of Novorossiysk, the accident with the Demetra barge loaded with 3,572 tonnes of heavy fuel oil was registered at 12:00 a.m. (Moscow time). The vessel was torn off its anchor (berth No 451) and was carried away by the storm.

    Earlier, at 11:19 a.m. (Moscow time), the Dika barge (flag of Ukraine) carrying 4,149 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, ran aground near the Tuzla island. Its 2 crew members were out of danger as they could get to the shore. At 11:44 a.m. (Moscow time), the dry cargo ship Nakhichevan carrying 3,650  tonnes of sulfur sank in the Kerch Strait while three members of its crew were rescued.

    Earlier, the dry cargo ship Volnogorsk, carrying over 2,000 tonnes of sulfur, sank off Port Kavkaz at 10:25 a.m., Moscow time. The crew boarded the life raft. Tugboats were dispatched to the disaster area. Besides, the Volganeft-139 loaded with 4,000 metric tons of fuel oil broke apart during the storm to the south of the port of Kavkaz with some 2,000 tonnes of fuel oil leaking into the sea. The ship’s crew members (13) were drifting aboard the ship's stern. According to the prosecutor’s office, the communications is available with the crew.

    Besides, the storm caused a crack in the hull of the Volgoneft-123 tanker. Fortunately, no product leaked into the sea. Moreover, the dry cargo ship Kovel loaded with 2,000 tonnes of sulfur is currently in distress in the Sea of Azov. The vessel’s 11 crewmembers try to ensure shipboard damage control as two cargo holds were filled with seawater.

    Al in all, there were 59 vessels in the Kerch Strait, 42 of which were transferred to the Sea of Azov.

    As for shipwrecks in the Black Sea, An unidentified ship loaded with metal sank in a storm off Sevastopol near the Khersones Beacon,  Emergency Situations Center Of Sevalstopol reported. Only 13 of the vessel’s 16 crewmembers were rescued. Two crewmembers have died and one is missing.

    One Turkish and one Georgian dry cargo vessel ran aground near the port of Novorossiysk. According to the forecast, the weather in the Kerch Strait is getting worse with no optimistic news for the nearest three days. The wind speed is to raise to 32 m/sec with a storm of 6-7 balls. The wind speed, which is 23 m/sec does not allow to take 17 vessels off the harbor.
    The storm also prevents the search of the missing people and normalization of the ecological situation. The majority of fuel oil leaked from the Volgoneft-139 sank to the bottom, which is typical under such water temperature conditions. Experts say it will be difficult to clean the bottom before summer. Part of oil products staying on the surface is moving to Ukraine.
    Oleg Mitvol, deputy head of the state Rosprirodnadzor agency, says the shipwreck of Volganeft-139 "is a very serious environmental disaster. The problem may take months to solve.”
    A criminal investigation was launched in connection with the shipwreck of Volganeft-139 as the captain had been informed about the storm in advance.
    The first storm warning was given at 17:15 a.m., Moscow time, November 10, and all the vessels had enough time to be transferred to safe areas.