• 2008 July 31

    Third auto-port in the region

    Interdepartmental commission under the Leningrad region Government allowed company Aurora to build a port for transshipment of automobiles in Vistino Bay at the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland. The completion of a project valued at RUR 7.5 bln is scheduled for 2013. If the project is implemented the Leningrad region will get the third port for car handling.


    Aurora project


    The project initiator, Aurora OJSC plans to create a sea terminal at the North-Eastern shore of the Luga Bay within 4.5 – 5 years. The first phase of the complex, which is to be put into operation in 20 months from the construction beginning is to be capable of handling 250,000 automobiles, 3.6 million tonnes of ro-ro cargo and 0.9 million tonnes of general cargo per year.

    Having reached its full capacity the terminal is to handle 300,000 automobiles, 4.5 million tonnes of ro-ro cargo and 5.5 million tonnes of general cargo per year. The personnel are to number 900 people. Total investment in the construction exceeds RUR 7.5 billion. According to the press center of the Leningrad region Government, the sea terminal is to accept automobiles, ro-ro cargo and general cargo from vessels. Besides, it is to ensure their temporary storage and delivery to owners.

    Meanwhily, analysts are skeptical about Aurora plans. They think the majority of similar projects never reach implementation. As PortNews IAA learnt from an expert, representative of a stevedoring company operating in the Russian part of the Gulf of Finland, the projects starting from a ground level are less promising. “I do not see any cargo basis analysis in Aurora announcements. Aurora does not clarify where the cargo flow is to come from, except for new automobiles,” the expert said. He does not rule out the possibility of the project sale after it is promoted.


    Region’s auto-ports


    A number of projects on automobile transshipment are in progress on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. In the Leningrad region the construction of two terminals for transshipment of foreign cars is in progress. In Vistino Bay, Russia transport Lines (RTL LLC) implements the Novaya Gavan project aimed at transshipment of 250,000 cars per year. Next to Vistino, Company Ust-Luga OJSC builds Yug-2 complex to handle 360,000 automobiles per year.

    According to RTL Director General Konstantin Skovoroda, growth rates of Russia’s automobile market will ensure work for both the existing terminals and those to be put into operation in the nearest future. “Meanwhile we frequently hear announcements about commenced construction of new automobile and ro-ro terminals and we would like to estimate Aurora’s project on the grounds of its real activities,” Mr. Skovoroda thinks.

    Poor road infrastructure hindering taking the cargo out of terminal may be one of possible obstacles for Aurora project. According to Mr. Skovoroda, the state of Russian roads is likely to have a considerable negative impact on car sales growth. “Today’s state of Ust-Luga roads is terrible. Within the framework of our project we plan to build a road around Vistino village to take our cargo from Novaya Gavan terminal. Improvement of the situation with roads is possible through joint efforts of investors and state authorities,” Mr. Skovoroda says.

    Chausova Larisa