• 2008 August 25

    Tuapse does not escape conventions

    From August 25 Russian Railways OJSC planned to call off all conventions in the port of Tuapse which came into effect from August 14 due to the strike of dock workers. Late last week all bans for shipment of grain were lifted while the ban for other cargo was still in effect. However, contrary to the expectations, the convention on coal transportation to the port of Tuapse is still kept on Monday.




    When unloading was resumed it took port workers of Tuapse and engine operators of North-Caucasus Railway one day to unload over 184 wagons accumulated at the approaches to the port. During idle period the congestion grew to over 900 wagons mainly those loaded with coal. Over 1,500 wagons were standing idle all around the railways of Tuapse direction.


    As of today, 340 wagons with coal, 57 – with ferrous metal and 49 – with grain still wait for unloading at Tuapse station.
    Average daily norm for unloading in the port is some 200-250 wagons, or 350 wagons provided that the entire staff of dock workers in engaged. It makes Russian Railways hope that by the convention for coal delivery might be called off by the beginning of the week. The Port says it is to take 5-6 days to unload all wagons with coal.




    Negotiations of RZD expert group and the Port Administration contributed to partial solution of the problem with wagon detention in the port of Tuapse. The negotiations were held on August 20-21. After a week-long strike aimed at wage increase the port of Tuapse resumed operation. "Due to fruitful joint consultations an agreement was signed to satisfy all the parties engaged," press center of Commercial Seaport of Tuapse informed.

    Meanwhile, press center of Russian Railways OJSC announced that it intends to go to law for compensation of losses caused by the demurrage due to suspended shipment of cargo to the port as well as compensation of lost profit. Besides, congestion at the approaches to Tuapse resulted in considerable decrease of Kuzbass coal export. Its transportation requires about a thousand open-top wagons – the number of wagons which stood idle at the approaches to Tuapse last week.

    The strike had no impact on transshipment of oil cargo via Tuapsenefteprodukt terminal. Experts forecast the decrease of coal, metal and grain transshipment as dock workers handle these types in the port’s dry cargo district.

    Sophia Vinarova