• 2008 December 26

    Volgo-Balt summarizes the results

    In navigation 2008, Volgo-Balt SBD serviced almost 4,000 kilometers of inland waterways having carried 18.2 million tonnes of cargo including 7.2 million tonnes of cargo transported towards the Volga, 11.0 million tonnes – towards the Baltic Sea including 7.0 million tonnes of export cargo. During the navigation period, Volgo-Balt SBD rendered its services to 143 shipping companies.


    Last navigation Volgo-Balt SBD worked at 3,954 km of inland waterways including 2,325 km of lighted waterways. In 2007, the length of waterways serviced by the company totaled 4,114 km including 2,367 km of lighted waterways.

    In 2008, nine buoyage brigades have been equipped with GPS\GSM complex "Track Foreman" for positioning of aids to navigation and first line support of E-database of electronic navigation maps. The second computerized survey complex TRANZAS has been put into operation. Operation of 21 motor vessels was controlled by GPS\GSM remote monitoring system.


    • In 2008, the enterprise started introduction of remote monitoring of aids to navigation at the Ladoga lake
    • 4 aids at Southern route. In 2009, additional 21 aids will be placed at the Southern route of the Ladoga lake
    • Mapping service of Volgo-Balt has created an electronic map which was used as base for creation of new Atlas of Waterway


    There are 8 beacons ensuring navigation safety at the Ladoga lake


    • Repair of Storozhenski beacon (in 2008), Svirski beacon is to be repaired in 2009.
    • To maintain waterway dimensions dredging works have been implemented by Volgo-Balt: extraction of 1.017 million cubic meters of earth (in 2005 – 390,000 cubic meters, 2006 – 490,000 cubic meters, in 2007 – 1.286 million cubic meters)
    • Expansion of the approach canal No 61 to the gate No 5 of Vytegorsk area of hydraulic works and navigation (AHWN).
    • Shore protection works at the canals No 61-62 (2 kilometers: 858-860).


    Considerable expansion of repair works and reconstruction of hydraulic engineering structures and industrial ships. Capital investments totaled RUR 1,106 million, capital repair – RUR 250 million.


    Start of reconstruction of berth wall No1 at Vytegorsk AHWN.


    Gate operation


    40,662 lockings at 10 gates (70,021 vessels). In 2006 – 36,590 lockings (59,000 vessels), in 2007 – 38,860 lockings (66,800 vesssles).


    Between shipping seasons (2007-2008):

    • replacement of lower gates (Vytegorsk AHWN);
    • repair of mooring fittings (54 units).


    Before navigation 2009 a lot of work is to be carried out on reconstruction of hydraulic engineering structures.


    • Overhaul of passages is currently under repair at Novoladozhski canal.


    • Every year operating repair covers 170 units of industrial vessels and 4,695 aids to navigation.


    • The plan envisages construction of new trunk circuit masts and installation of new radio-relay communication equipment


    • New buildings of UDS Centers and communication towers are built at control stations Sviritsa and Lodeinoye Pole
    • Construction of new radar control stations have been started in 2008
    • 12 on-shore radar stations are to be installed in 2009.
    • On-shore network of automatic information system has been considerable expanded in 2008


    Introduction of new equipment requires personnel training


    • In 2008, 23 employees of SBD studied in institutes and technical schools (in-service training),
    • 622 employees got advanced training,


    During the navigation period, Volgo-Balt SBD rendered its services to 143 shipping companies.


    20,827 voyages including 3,056 passenger (cruise) voyages were assisted by Volgo-Balt within the Basin limits.


    Pilotage service was provided to 557 vessels between St. Petersburg and Cherepovets and 5,260 vessels when passing the draw bridges in St. Petersburg.



    Total volume of cargo transported by Volgo-Balt amounted to 18.2 million tonnes including 7.2 million tonnes of cargo carried towards the Volga, 11.0 million tonnes – towards the Baltic Sea including 7.0 million tonnes of export cargo. In 2007: 16.8 million tonnes including 6.8 million tonnes towards the Volga and 10 million tonnes – towards the Baltic Sea including 6.3 million tonnes of export cargo.


    Transportation of construction materials continues to grow, transportation of heavy fuel oil recovers while transportation of timber, metal and fertilizers has not changed year-on-year.


    Vessel turnover has increased while the number of accidents has decreased which demonstrates higher quality of fleet and better training of crews, as well as improved conditions of navigation at the Volga-Baltic waterway.



    PortNews IAA thanks Volgo-Balt SBD for materials provided