• 2009 January 20

    Export project Vistino

    In early February 2009, North-West Alliance LLCplans to commence construction of the first phase of Marine Oil Terminal Vistino in the Kingisepp district. Contrary to the company’s plans to commission the terminal in late 2008, the permit to start the construction within the framework of the project’s first phase was obtained by North-West Alliance from the Kingisepp district Administration only in January.


    Project commencement

    “In the nearest future we plan to execute necessarydocuments and to start preparation of a ground,” Andrei Pchelkin, Director General of North-West Alliance LLC told PortNews IAA. “Now it isnecessary to carry out clearing, forest removal andother arrangements. The Alliance hopes the work will start in February of the current year with a commissioning scheduled for early 2011.”

    Design capacity of the oil terminal in Vistino BayGulf of Finland is to make 10 million tonnes per year. If necessary it may be raised to 18 million tonnes. As PortNews IAA earlier learnt from Andrei Pchelkin, the company plans to develop quote a big tank farm capable of shipping 17 – 18 million tonnes. Perspective expansion will be possible through technology improvement and correct organization of the work process. in the south part of the

    Russian Marine Oil Terminal Vistino will comprise onshore facilities, discharge jetties, tank and berth. Tank farm capacity is to make 470,000 cubic meters.


    Oil product focus

    The new terminal will focus its activities mainly on oil products. According to the company’s management, it corresponds to the policy of the Transport Ministry and the state as a whole being oriented on crude refining within Russia and export of oil products. As of today, Russia exports 50% ofcrude. Apart from this, 50% of refined products are exported while Russia consumes 25 – 27% of processed product.

    Vistiono terminal is designed in view of a possibility to handle oil products. The technology applied for transshipment of crude and heavy fuel oil is more complicated as compared with diesel fuel handling. Diesel fuel does not require any extra expenses for heating or extra reservoirs. The same tanks can be used with minor technical adjustment.


    North-West Alliance has a number of agreements with oil companies for the terminal loading. According to Andrei Pchelkin, all preliminary agreements are still in force despite postponed construction.

    Transshipment of 4 million tonnes of oil was confirmed by Asso-Neft and TNK-PB. According to North-West Alliance, TNK-PB is ready to transship up to 10 million tonnes of oil cargo in case of favorable terms. Today the Alliance considers supply of oil from Yaroslavl and Ryasan Refineries. Oil cargo is to be shipped from Nyagan station of the Tyumen region. The volume of crude oil is to make 4 million tonnes, heavy fuel oil - 3 million tonnes. Apart from this, gasoline and diesel fuel will make 3 million tonnes of volume promised by TNK. 



    From the logistics point of view, location of the Vistino terminal is optimal for further port development in the North-West region. Favorable location of Vistino complex is determined by natural depth of the Gulf of Finland of up to 25 meters which is enough for handling tankers with deadweight exceeding 100,00 tonnes. There is no need to arrange an approach channel hence minimal dredging work is required. Experts note Vistino port complex is located within coverage limits of local navigation safety system of Ust-Luga port being a part of the regional system in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. Among disadvantages of Vistino area are heavy expenses related to construction of a railway approach and unfavorable wave conditions.

    Sophia Vinarova