• 2009 February 9

    Dmitri Atlashkin: “Transport accidents down by one third in 2008”

    Dmitri Atlashkin, head of the North-West Department for the maritime and river supervision (DMRS) of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision, tells PortNews IAA about the Department’s performance in 2008.

    - Dmitri Yurjevich, what are major operating results of the North-West DMRS in 2008?

    - We have managed to improve major operating results of the North-West DMRS. In 2008, no emergencies were registered within the Department’s responsibility zone. We only registered 10 transport accidents, which is a 33-pct decrease as compared with the previous year. Those accidents could be classified as operational ones. All of them were caused by vessels having run aground or hit a submerged obstacle. Almost all accidents (except for one passenger vessel) happened with cargo vessels. No accidents happened with oil vessels. The Department’s experts examined over 3,500 vessels and detected 2,390 violations.

    We have no illusions about the results achieved. There are no objective preconditions for reduction of accident risk. Qualification of crew members is going down. The fleet is getting older and moreobsolete. We have focused on prevention of violations and it brought certain results of course but this year’s result with a decrease of accidents by one third should be partly accounted to good luck.

    - What is the amount of fines for detected violations?

    - Total amount of fines more than double in 2008. All in all, 122 persons were fined for a total amount of RUR 86,200. Apart from this there were over 1,500 cases of administrative influence. 15 cases were taken to court.

    - How do you supervise investigation of transport accidents?

    - In 2008, the North-West DMRS enhanced monitoring of deadlines when it comes to investigation of transport accidents. For that purpose, responsible executives were appointed to ensure prompt filing of conclusions and decisions to GosMorRechNadzor.

    Last year we introduced a requirement of obligatory re-certification of officials in shipping companies. It touched those responsible for safe navigation and prevention of environment pollution caused by transport accidents. Besides, shipping companies involved in transport accidents were proposed to carry out their internal investigation and to file a conclusion to the Department along with a plan of measures to prevent similar accidents.

    - What activities were carried out within the framework of supervising port operations?

    - In the part of supervising port operations and hydraulic engineering structures we issued 46 certificates of operational suitability. During the past year the Department officials participated in acceptance commissions which approved operation of seven facilities. Last year we examined 47 facilities according to the RF Government Decree on state monitoring of water bodies. The work resulted in 679 facts provided to the State Water Register.

    - What was the passenger traffic in 2008?

    - In 2008, the North-West DMRS saw intensification of both cargo and passenger traffic within its responsibility zone. 18.2 million tonnes of cargo was carried by the Volga-Baltic waterway. The number of voyages grew to over 20,000. The results of the White Sea – Baltic Sea waterway were as follows: 5.17 million tonnes of cargo and over 2,500 voyages. In general, total throughput and the number of voyages within the competence of the North-West DMRS grew by 7.2%.

    - How many measures aimed at safe shipping of unconventional vessels were approved by the North-West DMRS?

    - In 2008, the North-West DMRS approved 173 measures aimed at safe shipping of unconventional vessels. In two cases we rejected the approval and in 32 cases we returned the documents to be re-issued. During the year DMRS experts held 42 consulting meetings dedicated to measures’ formalities.