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  • ‘VMTP makes attempts to open a grain way to APR,’ Vyacheslav Pertsev, CEO of Commercial Port of Vladivostok
  • 2009 December 4

    ‘VMTP makes attempts to open a grain way to APR,’ Vyacheslav Pertsev, CEO of Commercial Port of Vladivostok

    Vyacheslav Pertsev, CEO of Commercial Port of Vladivostok OJSC (VMTP), spoke in the interview with Portnews IAA on the perspectives of Russian grain export into the countries of Asia-Pacific region and on the readiness of port infrastructure to work with this cargo

    - It happens oftener that VMTP currently announces on its plans of export grains transhipment. What are the perspectives of Russian grain export into the countries of Asia-Pacific region in your opinion and what is the situation with grain cargoes handling in VMTP to the date?

    - As per our estimations, the demand for grain in the APR market amounts to about 6 mln tons annually. Largest grain-traders of APR show their interest to Russian grain due to the grain demand increase in South-East Asia and thanks to the wish to change such traditional exporters as the USA, Canada, and Australia.

    With its current capacity VMTP is capable of transhipping about 1 mln tons of grain directly ‘rail-car – vessel’. Grain terminal construction will allow increasing port’s capacity by 1.5 mln tons. Export grain shipments via VMTP are insignificant to the date.

    - Do you mean to say the exporters are not interested in this quite a perspective direction? What is the reason? Is there any opportunity to change the situation?

    - Traders are not interested in grain export via ports of the Far-East in the existing economic environment. In delivery of grain cargo ex West Siberia to VMTP 40% of the service cost is spent on transport component to the date.

    The issue of organization the so called Far-East transportation grain corridor is discussed at different levels of authority latter days. The port companies are often considered to be not ready to work with grain cargoes. But such claims have no ground; and the fact should be clear from VMTP example.

    It is necessary to define tariffs policy at each district of cargo delivery to organize Far-East transportation grain corridor. It is first of all should be implemented in railway freightage. Until it happens, grain will not be exported via the ports of the Far-East as it is unprofitable.    

    - It was not long ago that Commercial Port of Vladivostok and SAHO group of companies achieved a definite agreement on co-operation in the issues of Russian grain export to APR and construction of specialized grain terminal in Vladivostok port. Could you please tell us what stage the co-operation is on?

    - A number of agreements were achieved between VMTP and SAHO group of companies. Their main objective is to establish Far-East transportation grain corridor through Commercial Port of Vladivostok, and arrange grain export to APR countries.

    SAHO group will provide a necessary cargo flow via grain terminal and VMTP will be occupied in the cargo transhipment. We shall jointly elaborate a logistics chain of grain delivery ex Siberia to APR countries. We are currently carrying out pre-design works.

    - What is the cost of grain terminal construction and when are you planning to emplement it?

    - An estimated project cost amounts to Euro 20 mln. Creation of specialized grain and oil crops transhipment complex is provided for in the Strategy of VMTP development till 2015. We plan to commence project implementation in the nearest two years. The construction itself may take the same period: everything will depend on the final technical solution and the technique chosen.