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  • Magomed Abdulatipov: The development of seaport of Olya is of strategic importance to the Astrakhan Region
  • 2009 December 27

    Magomed Abdulatipov: The development of seaport of Olya is of strategic importance to the Astrakhan Region

    The number of cargoes handled in the port of Astrakhan in 2009 has increased almost by a quarter compared to the last year's figures. The Caspian estuarine port of Astrakhan works stably. Seaport of Olya is still just a small terminal considering cargo turnover. But industrial politicians set strategic tasks before it. Magomed Abdulatipov, the captain of port who is also responsible for the port of Olya told in his  interview to IA Port News about the performance  of the port in Astrakhan.


    Magomed Alievich, what are the total results of work of the stevedore companies in port of Astrakhan and port of Olya for the last months of 2009? What is the turnover of shipping in the port?


    - For 10 months in 2009 in seaports of Astrakhan and Olya more than 4 million tons has been transshipped that is 28.2 % up as compared to the last year’s figures. Besides the list of handled general cargoes consists mainly of metal - in port of Astrakhan it makes up 80 % from the general transfer of cargoes, and in port of Olja - 94 % respectively. In 2009 there were 17 stevedore enterprises operating in port of Astrakhan, last year their number was 19.

    Number of vessels calling at the ports of Astrakhan and Olya increased for 10 months by 15.5% up to 8640 units (7782 in Astrakhan and 858 in Olya).

    Transit by sea through the port of Astrakhan for 10 months of 2009 has increased in 2 times and totaled 1.3 million tons.


    What are the results of river navigation in 2009? Please tell us the volume of cargo traffic and the number of ship calling from the river Volga?


    - The number of ship calling to the port of Astrakhan from the river Volga for 10 months of 2009 amounted to 2 974 units what makes up 30% of port capacity.


    Tell us your expectations concerning the volume of cargo transshipment at the ports of Astrakhan region up to 2009…


    - Cargo transshipment figures in seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are considered to make up more than 4.2 million tons at the port of Astrakhan and 750000 tons at the port of Olya in 2009.


     How is it going with loading of port of Olya?


    - The contribution of the port of Olya to the total volume of handled cargo in ports of Astrakhan region for 10 months in 2009 is low - about 15%. However, the development of sea port of Olya based on the principles of public-private investment partnership is the strategic direction of the Astrakhan region.

    According to the forecast, 750 tons of cargo are planned to be handled in the port in 2009, which makes up 75% of rated power of currently operated cargo berths № 1,2,3 at the seaport of Olya.


    What kind of measures do you take on the water area you are responsible for to prevent oil spills?


    -We try to focus on this line of activity, on preventing the oil spillage in water areas of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, paying attention to the increasing number of bunkering and loading and unloading operations at the seaport concerning petroleum products.

    We are concentrated on the monitoring of organizations involved in the oil products handling in the water area of the port, the way they meet the standards of disaster prevention and response according to the legislation of RF, orders and directions of Rosmorrechflot.

    Organizations handling oil and oil products at a port must have appropriate licenses, prepared Prevention and Response plans for the emergency spills of oil and petroleum products, the relevant provisions of financial and logistical facilities, as well as the strength and resources both of their own and on a contractual basis, securing localization and liquidation of anticipated spillage.

    In order to improve the effectiveness of the activities we involve the specialists of Astrakhan line department of Volzhski state sea and river control of Rostransnadzor, Chief Directorate of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Astrakhan region and the FSUE Northern Caspian Directorate for  Salvage,  Resсue and Underwater technical operations.
    Regulatory authorities get the appropriate information on the inspection results revealing drawbacks or violations in order to take necessary measures to eliminate them.

    Commission of FSI of Seaport Administration in Astrakhan did the last check up of organizations handling oil and petroleum products in the water areas of the sea ports in late November - early December this year. The outcome of the commission examination showed that having a number of revealed shortcomings, there are definite positive results. Out of 25 organizations examined, only 3 have not prepared Oil Spills Response Plan.

    At the same time we organized the surveillance to fulfill the demands for installation of localizing red snakes in loading and unloading of petroleum products in the seaport.

    In accordance with the requirements of the Regulations of the functional subsystem of the activities on Oil Spills Elimination and Response from vessels and facilities, regardless of their departmental and national identity, approved by Order of the RF Ministry of Transport from 06.04.2009 № 53, the performance of rescue readiness was organized for OSR.


    How many oil spills occurred in the water areas of the port in 2009?


    - There were no emergency oil spill in the water areas of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya recorded in 2008 and 2009.


    Do you have enough towing operators in the port of Astrakhan? How many companies provide services for towing vessels and what is the average age of the tug fleet?


    - In general there are sufficient towing operations in the port. 8 companies render services of ships towing. The average age of the tug fleet is 25 years.


    How many bunkering companies have the right to sell marine fuels in the port of Astrakhan?


    - 7 companies carries out bunkering of fuel in the ports of Astrakhan and Olya: LLC Donbunker Astrakhan branch; JSC Rechbunker Astrakhan cargo transshipment area; Vagna-Bunker Co Ltd ; LLC Rinat and Sons, LLC The Industrial business concern Dune-Service, LLC Rusich and LLC Volga-Don-Bunker.

    The largest environmental companies that provide services to receive ship-generated waste with a professional emergency rescue teams for the realization of OSR are JSC The Environmental Complex ECO +, LLC Eco-Service and FSUE Northern Caspian Directorate for  Salvage,  Resсue and Underwater technical operations .


    Interviewed by Vitaly Chernov