• 2010 March 14

    Determining the future

    Gradually overcoming the crisis the Russian port industry faces the aggravation of old problems and outbreak of new ones. At the same time Russia undergoes a number of significant reforms in this area - the boundaries of seaports have been established, the bill supporting shipbuilding and navigation has been developed, and International Maritime Organization (IMO) has carried out the audit. What are the prospects of this industry and what measures are needed to be taken in order to improve its competitiveness heads of leading enterprises and government representatives are to discuss October 5, 2010 as part of II International Conference "The Future of Russian Ports", which will take place within the framework of 10-th International Anniversary Exhibition Transtech-2010
    According to Sergei Alexeyev, CEO of the exhibition center Lenexpo, where the exhibition Transtek and the conference "The Future of Russian Ports" will take place, this event will become a unique one, since the world exhibition practice almost has never faced cases when the entire exhibition was devoted to one particular theme,port industry. 
    The need to arrange meeting of heads of ports, shipping companies and representatives of relevant government structures is obvious. Noteworthe, Igor Levitin, the Minister of Transport of Russia has already expressed support of the event. According to an open letter of the head of the Ministry of Transport, "Second Conference" The Future of Russian Ports " will significantly contribute to further development of our countrie’s potential in the field of maritime transport as an important element of foreign trade and international economic interaction and will give to participants an opportunity to discuss current issues of transportation and logistics cooperation."
    According to Oleg Terekhov, the president of the Association of shipping companies, exhibition and conference will contribute to the development of personal contacts between participants of the market and will boost the overall development of port infrastructure in the country. 
    As the head of the North-West Branch of Russian Shipowners Union and president of the State Maritime Academy of Adm. Makarov Ivan Kostylev believes, one of the most important issues that need to be discussed at the conference, is a personnel problem on water transport. According to him, the interaction between educational institutions and businesses must be improved in Russia - without such interaction the solution to the staff problem will be hard to find. 
    It should also be mentioned the exhibition Transtech will be devoted to an important event, exposition dedicated to 125th anniversary of Lenmorniiproekt, the oldest Russia's design institute in the port industry. 
    More information on Transtech-2010 Exhibition is available on the PortNews website. PortNews IAA is the general media partner of the exhibition and conference.