• 2010 May 6

    Driving out of crisis

    Driving out of crisis 

    Despite the impressive decline in car sales in Russia and obstructive duties on their import, stevedoring companies expect to restore freight of Ro-Ro cargo and continue to invest in the expansion of the corresponding terminal capacities, primarily in Northwest of Russia. At the same time, there is number of obstacles. 
    Curves covered 

    In transshipment of cars in the North-West of Russia the following companies are engaged: "Russian Transport Lines (RTL)," Petrolesport”  (included in the group "N-Trance") and "Company" Ust-Luga. In comparison with last year figures, the volume of transshipment of cars at all terminals in 2010 showed positive dynamics. 

    According to RTL press-service, in 2009 the volume of transshipment of cars through the terminal in the Big Port of St. Petersburg has decreased in 2.6 times - to 55 646 units, as of the rate of 2008, and for the first 5 months of this year amounted to 19 271 units. 

     The press service of N-Trance reports to PortNews IAA, in 2009 a specialized Ro-Ro terminal of Petrolesport handled 36 981 units of equipment, including passenger cars - 27 649 units., for the first four months of 2010 - 9 894 units, including passenger cars - 6 392 units made by Mitsubishi, Hyundai, cars manufactured in China, etc. 

    At the present time Petrolesport negotiate with new Ro-Ro operators, interested in the company's services. 

    For 5 months of 2010 Volkswagen car terminal in the territory of the Third Stevedoring Company handled 4 147 passenger cars. In total in 2010 it is planned to transship 30 000 cars via the terminal - management company reported to PortNews IAA. 

    In 2009 General transshipping complex Ug-2 in Ust-Luga handled about 15 000 cars, in January-May 2010 about 8,600 of cars. As the Deputy General Director of Company Ust-Luga reports, early 2010 appeared to be was difficult for the terminal. "Who keeps track of car stats knows that concerning sales and imports of cars January 2010 was the worst in the past few years, but since February positive dynamics is noted, five years running growth remains stable, , rising freight is increasing", - said Alexander Goloviznin. According to him, Toyota cars are delivered in the regular line by 5 vessel calls per month, negotiations are pursued with other suppliers. 

    "The volume of freight transport is quite large and tends to increase, problems of lack of space, which seemed to be forgotten, since late 2008 have become important," - says Konstantin Skovoroda. 

    Sudden attack of problems 

    Nevertheless, there are some obstacles in the further development of Ro-Ro terminals in seaports. 

    The head of RTL considers customs reforms to be one of them one of them. "It's hard to live in an era of changes, especially when they occur constantly. And even harder to explain it to our international clients", - Constantine Skovoroda explains. Noteworthy, since 1st of July 2010 Customs Code of the Customs Union, amending the order of clearance of goods arriving by sea, shall come into force. 

    In addition, head of RTL fears reckless behavior on the part of private investors, who claim unrealistic plans to establish Ro-Ro terminals, which gives to customers a distorted picture on the development of port infrastructure in the North-West of Russia. "This makes clowns out of us in cooperation with the European partners", - head of the transport company complains. 

    Currently, cars are delivered to Russia by feeder ships with transshipment in foreign ports of the Baltic Sea. However, ocean lines have already begun to show interest in the possibilities of direct calls. In particular, recently representative of Hoegh Autoliners in Russia, Tomas Lee said that the company plans to organize direct ocean-going vessel calls in Ust-Luga. 

    According to Constantine Skovoroda, in order to interest shipping companies to organize direct vessel calls at Russian ports instead of Finnish, assistance of the government in the conduct of negotiations in port dues and other aspects of linear approaches is necessary. 

    Currently, head of RTL implements construction plan of a new terminal "Novaya Gavan" in the port of Ust-Luga. The first project phase, scheduled for 2010, is designed for throughputs capacity of 120 000 cars per year and simultaneous storage of 2150 units. Full development, which is supposed to be over in 2014, involves the expansion area of the terminal to 55.55 hectares, storage of 30 000 units and the capacity of 450 000 automobiles per year. 

    Also in the Ust-Luga on 10th of June, 2010 the second stage of the IPC Ug-2 must be completed. The railway is already built, 8 ha are paved for heavy equipment, delivery of equipment is carried out. In the stage of signing - two contracts for loading of the second construction stage of the complex.

    Handling of trucks is provided in the construction project of the terminal in Bronco (out-port of the Big Port of St. Petersburg), the investor of which is Phoenix LLC. According to the director for construction of the company, George Pognaev, the construction of general sea transshipment complex "Bronka" is scheduled to begin in July 2010 and by 2013 first project phase should be built, which is intended for transshipment of 130 000 units of trucks. By 2015, it is planned to complete the second stage with a throughput capacity of 260 000 units of Ro-Ro cargo. Yuri Pognaev noted that in May this year preparatory work on the site, designed for this project has already begun. 

    Vitaly Chernov