• 2010 October 4

    To cut the Murmansk knot

    The implementation of Murmansk Transport Hub, the ambitious project seems to be delayed despite the fact that big investors have been already prepared to invest and the federal government has allocated funds for the project. The formation of the port special economic zone might help get the things started.

    Coal Valley

    The most promising and understandable in the Murmansk Transport Hub program are coal projects. Thermal coal from the Kuzbass remains to be the main cargo exported to the EU countries from Murmansk port, making up some 80% of freight flows passing via Murmansk Commercial Sea Port (in 2009 MCSP handled 12.2 million tons of coal).

    The MTH project means reconstruction of the coal terminal of Murmansk Commercial Sea Port’s transshipment complex. Implementation of the project should take 2 years. Besides, the additional coal terminal has been projected to be constructed in the next 4-5 years on the western shore of Kola Bay (Commercial Sea Port Lavna LLC). The terminal with projected capacity of 20 millions tons of coal annually may cost about 12,7 billion rubles of investments.

    But this is not the limit. As the deputy to the Russian Transport Minister Viktor Olersky said, speaking at International Conference "The Strategic Perspectives of International Integration of Maritime Transport of Russia" at the State Maritime Academy in St. Petersburg, the “coal potential of MTH is essentially larger of the above mentioned projected throughput, since coal volume currently being transshipped at the ports of the Baltic states could be moved there”.
    KuzbassRazrezUgol and the Siberian Business Union, big coal mining companies are ready to invest in coal handling facilities. The federal government set aside 2,4 billion rubles for Murmansk Transport Hub project.
    Despite all this, project is just “spinning its wheels.” According to Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Murmansk region Viktor Gorbunov, speaking in terms of building new facilities, there have not been a penny spent as yet. "We have already lost two seasons, when we could carry out some works. If this continues further, we will lose the third year" Viktor Gorbunov said adding that all the necessary expertise, including the environmental, have been passed.

    According to Victor Olersky, there are several reasons for the MTH project delay. Firstly, the MTH management company was formed from a very wide range of investors, who initially planned the construction for the distant future, and now changed their mind. Secondly, a rather strange investment scheme is currently effective: land should be first confiscated from owners and land holders by the state, and then transferred to the investors on investment conditions. It is clear that no one would be in a hurry to work on such scheme, Mr. Olersky said.

    To cut this knot the Russian government is expected to pass a decree in the coming weeks for creating a special port’s economic zone.
    The government shows that the MTH project continues to be one of its highest priorityin the transportation industry. Thus, at the last meeting of the presidium of the government Vice-Premier Sergei Ivanov said that the Murmansk Transport Hub is one of the most promising in terms of creating there the modern port with a large cargo turnover.

    "We have, in fact, only two places in the country - the Pacific Ocean and Murmansk, as the ice-free ports with direct access to the world ocean, bypassing the straits, and all sorts of problems connected with it. Therefore, we carefully consider this investment project that implies the construction the new port of Murmansk on the other side of the Murmansk Gulf and everything that is associated with it", said Sergei Ivanov.

    Almost unreal

    In addition to increasing the capacities for handling coal, it is planned in the framework of the MTH project to implement another series of projects - ranging from realistic to highly questionable from an economic point of view.

    In particular, the MTU project includes building of an oil terminal with a projected capacity of 35 million tons annually in 11 years over after the start of construction. Synthesis of Petroleum CJSC was announced the project investor, the total investment is estimated at 44.2 billion rubles. According to Victor Olersky the terminal will be able at the first phase to transship 12-13 million tons from the northern oil fields.

    Indeed, the port of Murmansk is well suited for transshipment of oil, since the waters depths there allow the port to accommodate the largest tankers.

    Another project looks far less convincing. For example, a container terminal is planned to be constructed with projected annual capacity of 1 million TEUs in 4-5 years. But it is still unclear how such a container traffic could be attracted here. Actually, the Murmansk region itself does not need such container volume, and it would be more reasonable to direct the transit container flows, for example, through the port of Ust-Luga in the Leningrad region.

    But with the development of the Shtokman gas condensate field some businesses for the production of mineral fertilizers would be able to start in Murmansk. In particular, according to Victor Olersky, the company Fosagro has already announced such plans.

    Currently, Agrosfera CJSC, a subsidiary of MCSP, is engaged in handling of mineral fertilizers at the port of Murmansk.

    Besides, it is planned to build a terminal for transshipment of iron ore (the investor - JSC Metalloinvest holding company) with projected capacity of 6 million tons a year and total investment of 6 billion rubles, a complex for production and shipment of iron nuggets (investor - OJSC EuroChem) with capacity of 1 million tons per annum and total investment of 27.5 billion rubles.
    Vitaly Chernov.