• 2013 December 31

    Bigger and deeper

    In 2013, throughput capacity of Russian seaports surged by 30.5 mln t, cargo turnover is forecasted to climb by 4% to some 590 mln t. However, cargo flow at inland water ways dropped in the 11-month period by 5.5% to 133.2 mln t. Major problems of the industry are in the lack of specialized sea terminals, low water and “bottlenecks” at IWW.

    Russia’s new port facilities

    According to the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot), the throughput capacity of Russian seaports surged by 30.5 mln t this year to some 876.7 mln t per year. The Ministry of Transport forecasts that seaports’ annual throughput is 4% up to about 590 mln t in 2013. So, reserve capacity makes some 33%, sufficient it would seem but Russia still lacks specialized terminals for handling of large capacity vessels.

    Rosmorrechflot says throughput capacity of Russian ports will grow by 232 mln t by 2018 (by 20 mln t in 2014, by 30 mln t in 2015, by 54 mln t in 2016, by 80 mln t in 2017 and by 48 mln t in 2018.

    In particular, port Bronka in Saint-Petersburg is to be put into operation in 2015 (the investor says). Federal property facilities being built at port Vanino, in Muchke bay, and at port Olya, are to be completed in 2016. Port Sabetta (Yamal) is to commence operation in 2017. Besides, according to the schedule approved by Rosmorrechflot, the same year will see the completion of a specialized terminal at port Vanino (at cape Burnyi), terminal for transshipment of petrochemical products with dredging of water area at Nakhodka settlement, as well as construction of a specialized coal terminal in the Far East of Russia (dedicated for small and medium-size shippers, so called public coal terminal).

    There are also projects in Taman and Murmansk.

    The project on construction of a dry cargo district of Taman seaport implies the creation of facilities for transshipment of 94 mln t of dry cargo per year at the Taman peninsula. The construction is to commence in 2014. The project implementation is set forth by all strategic programmes and budget planning documents related to transport infrastructure development from 2008:  Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation till 2030; Sea Port Infrastructure Development Strategy till 2030; federal special-purpose programme “Russia’s Transport System Development (2010-2020)”. In summer 2013, RF President Vladimir Putin ordered to complete the construction of the project’s first phase by 2020.
    As for Murmansk project, RosTransModernizatsia FGI has announced an open tender for the development of detailed design and construction of Murmansk Transportation Hub. Initial contract price is RUB 40,237,536,000. 

    According to Murmansk Region Governor Marina Kovtun, the investors (Port Lavna and Rosneft) are ready to commence the construction of coal and oil terminals immediately upon obtaining the State Expertise approval. As far as IAA PortNews knows, the approval has been obtained already.

    River transport in search of depth

    According to Rosmorrechflot, the length of Russia’s inland water ways with guaranteed dimensions of the navigation passes was 48,872.4 km in 2013.

    The navigation of the passed year was not easy. Low water was registered in Lena Basin. Cargo deliveries by Indigirka river was also challenged by extreme navigation conditions. Amur river flood changed the stream channel and covered lots of landmark beacons.

    Meanwhile, Volga-Don Ship Canal can be overloaded in 2014 as transportation of oil cargoes is forecasted to surge there. Traffic jams are possible at the Canal. In case of low water level the navigation may be closed there at all. In this context, Rosmorrechflot recommends shipping companies make maximum use of the early navigation period.

    According to Rosmorrechflot head Aleksandr Davydenko, the second line is to be built at the Canal to solve the problem. “At least, the reconstruction project is to be developed in 2014,” Davydenko said.

    prepared by Vitaly Chernov basing on Rosmorrechflot materials.