• 2008 June 26

    Who is to build a new port?

    As early as in 2007, the construction of a deep sea port in Archangelsk was called one of the most important projects on Russia’s port infrastructure development. However, it is still not clear who is to become the project’s investor and how the project is to be implemented. The Dutch enterprises show a great interest in the project, the Dutch General Consul in St. Petersburg Edward Hoeks said. Meanwhile, experts are not sure about absolute attractiveness of Archangelsk for shipping lines though they admit that construction of Belkomur railway is to raise the port’s transport availability

  • 2008 June 26

    Safety under control

    Safety control is one of the most significant factors for efficient development of transport complex. PortNews IAA publishes the report "The role of control and supervision in the sphere of maritime and river transport" made by Vladimir Popov, deputy head of the Federal Service for Transport Supervision, at international conference "Safety of ports and multimodal systems" held in St. Petersburg