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  • 2007 July 10

    Shell enters alliance with Rosneft as Russia acts to lure investment

    Shell has struck a groundbreaking partnership in Russia seven months after it was forced to surrender control of the country’s vast $21 billion (?10.4 billion) Sakhalin-2 offshore development

  • 2007 June 28

    Multimillion show

    The Third International Maritime Defense Show started in St. Petersburg Wednesday. Representatives of both Rosoboronexport and Federal Agency for Industry predict signing of multimillion contracts

  • 2007 June 19

    Mineral export

    In 2007, export of mineral fertilizers may decrease by 25-27%, experts say. Besides general “market decline” of the previous year the situation may be complicated by Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), which plans to establish export duties for potassium

  • 2007 June 7

    First-class tariff

    Federal Tariff Service (FTS) promises to make the situation with grain transportation clear in the nearest future

  • 2007 June 4

    FESCO's new BOD

    Far East Shipping Company OJSC has renewed its Board of Directors and introduced new independent directors

  • 2007 May 31

    Estonian cruise ferry for PEF

    Large Estonian shipping company Tallink is to provide its cruise ferry Victoria for accommodation of guests and participants of Petersburg International Economic Forum

  • 2007 May 23

    Bunker fuel quality – theory and practice

    Training program “Bunker fuel quality – theory and practice” was arranged by Russian Association of Marine and River Bunker Suppliers. It was held in St. Petersburg on May 16-17. Representatives of bunker market from eight port regions of Russia participated in the program

  • 2007 May 21

    Tatiana Presnyakova: ecological services should be comprehensive

    Tatiana Presnyakova, Director General of Marine Ecology LLC, one of the leaders at the market of environmental services of Russia’s North-West region, tells PortNews IAA about oil spill response operations

  • 2007 May 4

    NCSP to exceed a hundred

    Holding Company Novorossijsk Commercial Seaport (NCSP OJSC) plans to increase its total throughput by almost 35% - to 110 million tons within three years

  • 2007 April 27

    Moby Dick and flood prevention complex: direct dependence

    Conflict related to container terminal Moby Dick has been lasting for two months already. The dispute involved not only the investor, St. Petersburg Administration and Rostroi, which is in charge of the dam construction (St. Petersburg flood prevention complex, KZS). Cargo owners and container shipping lines consider possibilities of redirecting cargo flows to other terminals