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  • 2006 October 2

    Not an odd-one-out

    New ro-ro service starts in Saint Petersburg port today. The line operated by Transfennica LLC will first link Saint Petersburg with the port of Lubeck in Germany. Then the Karolin Russ ferry will start running between the ports of Hamina (Finland), Saint Petersburg (Russia), Antwerp (Belgium) and Tilbury (Great Britain)

  • 2006 September 28

    Money to the river

    RF Ministry of Transport calculates expenses for modernization of inland waterways (IWW) and navigation hydraulic structures (HS). According to initial estimations the amount is to exceed 166 billion rubles of one-time investments and over 10 billion rubles of annual investments

  • 2006 September 26

    Rosmorrechflot distances itself from solving the problem of pontoon bridge across the Volga river in Nizhnij Novgorod

    Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport under Transport Ministry of RF (Rosmorrechflot) responded to the appeal of Tanker Union NP (Non-Profit Partnership) as regards the possibility to increase draw-period for the bridge over the Volga river in Nizhnij Novgorod

  • 2006 September 19

    Southern ports lose grain

    Export of grain via Russia’s southern ports over the first seven months of the current year fell by 18.6% amounting to 3.5 million tons. Nevertheless, branch experts think it is too early to consider this decrease to be a stable process

  • 2006 September 14

    Software know-how of Vladmorrybport OJSC

    Vladivostok sea fishing port plans to increase container cargo transshipment in 2006 by 50% against 2005. It should reach 42 096 TEU. Planned dynamics is confirmed by operational indicators of the first half of the year: container turnover growth is 60%. The company managed to achieve these results owing to modernization of the terminal production facilities and management system

  • 2006 September 13

    Preliminary long-term ice forecast for winter navigation of 2006-2007 at the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland

    This preliminary ice forecast is based on the research of the rules of large-scale atmospheric process in the Northern hemisphere held from the beginning of the current year. It also considers space-and-geophysical phenomena as well as ice-and-thermal state of adjacent northern seas featured with certain prognostics. This integrated approach enables to determine general baseline features of forecasted ice conditions

  • 2006 September 12

    Rosvodresursy is to arrange force majeure for river transport companies

    Federal Agency of Water Recourses under RF Ministry of Natural Recourses (Rosvodresursy) is to decrease from August 21 water spillover at Nizhegorodskaya HPS from 1170 to 1000 m3/sec.

  • 2006 September 7

    Baltijsk is launched

    The construction of the ferry complex has been finalized at the sea trade port of Ust-Luga. The project implementation will enable to stop delivery of military cargo by transit via Baltic countries, since it provides direct link of Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions.

  • 2006 September 4

    Vysotsk is ready

    LUKOIL OC has finalized the construction of a Distribution-and-Transshipment Complex (DTC) at Vysotskij island in Leningrad Region.

  • 2006 August 31

    Konstantin Goncharov: “adjusting of Baltijsk line is both politically important and profitable for us”

    Konstantin Goncharov, Director General of Ust-Luga branch of Rosmorport FSUE, told PortNews IAA correspondent about perspectives of new ferry service.