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  • 2020 September 21

    Which of Russian ports to accept new flows of mineral fertilizers expected in abundance?

    Russia is still dependent on ports of neighboring countries in terms of handling mineral fertilizers as it lacks dedicated deep-water terminals. However, the situation can change radically in five years.

  • 2020 September 16

    New icebreaker designed in Russia. What is it like?

    Copartnership of Nordic Engineering JSC and Petrobalt Design Bureau has designed a port icebreaker of 6-8 MW in capacity (Project IBP07) ordered by FSUE Rosmorport. Two ship concepts have been developed: a conventional ship running on liquid fuel and an LNG-powered ship. The project foresees high local content of components and equipment.

  • 2020 September 14

    Artur Sedov, Managing Director of Rosterminalugol JSC: “Efficiency through cooperation”

    Artur Sedov, Managing Director of Rosterminalugol JSC, tells IAA PortNews about the terminal operation

  • 2020 September 11

    Belorussian oil products: who needs them?

    Belarus authorities have returned to discussing the redirection of cargoes from the ports of the Baltic states to the ports of Russia. Oil products are currently in the focus. However, it can prove to be economically unprofitable for either Belarus or Russia.

  • 2020 September 8

    Will Leningrad Region take over Baltic states’ bread?

    The first phase of the project on construction of a multipurpose terminal facility with a design capacity of 24 million tonnes per year, Lugaport, has been completed in the port of Ust-Luga. Although it is publicly touted as a struggle for Russian cargoes being handled in the foreign ports there is actually nothing to take over already and it will be mainly a struggle between port investors within the country.

  • 2020 September 4

    Executive Director of Nakhodka Ship Repair Yard on construction of crab catchers

    Nakhodka Ship Repair Yard JSC has embarked on building a series of crab catchers equipped for storing live crab. The ships of CCa5712LS design are to be delivered to the customers within five years. In his interview with IAA PortNews, Sergey Starovoytov, Executive Director of NSRY, tells about the project implementation.

  • 2020 September 2

    Electric propulsion: future of the shipping industry or a specific niche?

    Electric propulsion lets both cars and ships meet the toughest environmental standards. Ferries running on electricity have long been in active use in Scandinavia while Russia has built its first battery-powered leisure boat. United Shipbuilding Corporation believes that electric propulsion is the future of shipbuilding. Yet, there are some issues to address.

  • 2020 August 28

    Russia’s unique project on construction of Arctic platform under 'distributed shipyard' principle

    Russia is implementing a project that is unique in many respects: ice-resistant Arctic platform for the development of the Kamennomysskoye-Sea gas field is being constructed under a 'distributed shipyard' principle. Several shipbuilding companies of Russia’s European part will build the platform modules which will be later delivered to Kaliningrad for assembly.

  • 2020 August 18

    How to build highly-demanded ITCs?

    Recently, attention has been increasingly focused on development of transport infrastructure and international transport corridors (ITC). Russian export and international transit need reliable alternatives to available routes. This topic will be in the spotlight at the XV International Transport Corridors Forum (TRANSTEC, 14-16 September 2020). One of the experts invited to participate in the upcoming event shares his opinion with IAA PortNews.

  • 2020 August 14

    Baimsky MPC to be built in time

    Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has held a meeting dedicated to the construction of Baimsky Mining and Processing Complex. The project foresees the construction of a shipment terminal at Cape Naglyoinyn and deployment of an LNG power plant there.