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  • 2019 June 25

    Ambitious plans of Far East and Arctic Development Ministry

    The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic has announced the project on construction of Sakhalin and Hokkaido bridges and a deep-water port total estimated at almost half a trillion of rubles. Transport industry experts interviewed by IAA PortNews believe it is a senseless project that will not pay off.

  • 2019 June 21

    Aleksey Rakhmanov: “Hydrographic knowledge ensures safe shipping”

    In his interview with IAA PortNews on the World Hydrography Day, Aleksey Rakhmanov, President of United Shipbuilding Corporation, tells about ‘blue economy’, hydrographic science, construction of the research fleet and the North Pole platform.

  • 2019 June 14

    Crimean ports break the loss record

    Crimean Sea Ports have broken the loss record from 2014. The revenues have decreased due to launching of the Crimea Bridge, lack of cargo at the ports and leasing out of Kerch ferry service which could ensure additional RUB 300-400 million of revenues per year if used by the company. The Ministry of Transport of Crimea has developed a plan on ‘financial recovery’ of seaports revealing no details though.

  • 2019 June 13

    SPIEF-2019 outcomes for marine industry

    St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019 proved to be replete with news in shipping and stevedoring spheres. Most of agreements relate to the Arctic and Baltic basins which is no wonder given the fast pace of Arctic fields development and deficit of dry bulk transshipment facilities.

  • 2019 June 5

    Master of financial seas

    Fitch has recently upgraded the rating of Russian shipping company Sovcomflot (SCF) to 'BB+' with Stable Outlook. The upgrade reflects SCF's improved business profile due to an expansion in industrial business.

  • 2019 May 30

    Port of Novorossiysk: Black Sea flagship

    For almost two centuries, the port of Novorossiysk has been a personification of national maritime industry’s power. On the day of 180th anniversary of Novorossiysk port’s Harbour Master Service, head of Black Sea Ports Administration Vladimir Yerygin answered the questions of IAA PortNews.

  • 2019 May 23

    ‘Platon’ comes to Neptune

    RF Government has approved the rules for collecting port investment dues at seaports of the Russian Federation. RF Ministry of Transport expects the new dues to cover the deficit of port infrastructure financing estimated at RUB 7-8 billion per year.

  • 2019 May 20

    Unfreezing the plans

    The draft plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route infrastructure till 2035 foresees the establishment of a unified container shipping operator and a national dredging company, construction of three nuclear-powered icebreakers of the Leader series and a refinery in the Murmansk Region as well as other measures. The Northern Sea Route is to become an all-year-round sea way. The plan can also include the requirement on using LNG as a marine fuel.

  • 2019 May 14

    Yury Kostin: “We should protect both the state rights and the business interests”

    Yury Kostin, Director of the State Policy Department for Maritime and River Transport of the Russian Transport Ministry, tells IAA PortNews about legislative changes related to stevedoring and shipping activities.

  • 2019 May 8

    Peotr Savchuk: “Numerous opportunities of the global ocean are not being used in full”

    Extensive plans of Russia’s fishery industry include the construction of new fishing, research and cargo ships as well as catching of new products and research of the global ocean opportunities. Peotr Savchuk, deputy head of Rosrybolovstvo (Russian Federal Fisheries Agency) tell about it in his interview with IAA PortNews.