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  • 2016 August 30

    Tanker market situation

    The year of 2015 was quite optimistic for a global tanker market while the second quarter of 2016 saw a decline of freight rates amid the difficult situation in the global oil market. The winners are the companies able to diversify their business and sign long-term contracts. Yet, there are conditions for market recovery in the mid-term period.

  • 2016 August 25

    Antitrust watchdog's initiative triggers worries, questions among stevedores, experts

    A proposal of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) to return to a policy of regulation of tariffs / in RUB for stevedoring services in ports has disturbed the market participants. Terminal operators and the sector's experts, believe such a decision would slow down the development of the country's port infrastructure and that foreign companies and those shippers that did not invest in the development of port facilities would be the only winners.

  • 2016 August 23

    Nearing completion Vostochny Port P3 gets head start

    The first in a scores of long-awaited coal port expansion projects in Russia's Far Eastern ports will be completed soon. The Vostochny Port Terminal Phase 3 is due to be launched in 2017. The dedicated coal port terminal expansion final phase has been ready by 75%. It's worth noting that the largest port infrastructure investment project in the Far East is financed by private investors and the project is valued at RUB 27 billion.

  • 2016 August 18

    Female sailor Elena Devyatova: "Every sailor is the face of his country"

    Elena Devyatova has spent 20 years of her life sailing at sea on board the famous Russian ships "Pallada", "Sedov" and "Nadezhda". Ahead of SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016, she told the IAA PortNews correspondent about her career path, the status of a female sailor on ships, and the importance of international sailing races for cadets education.

  • 2016 August 2

    Mikhail Zagorodnnikov, Executive Director of Krylov State Research Center: “Organization is the key challenge of Russian shipbuilding”

    Russia boosts the construction of icebreakers, develops offshore and Arctic fields. Mikhail Zagorodnnikov, Executive Director of Krylov State Research Center, talks IAA PortNews through today’s projects on construction of new powerful icebreakers, Arctic development, challenges of domestic shipbuilding, promotion of bunkering with alternative fuels and other highlights.

  • 2016 July 28

    New Route to Market for European Grain

    New Bulk logistics system provides alternative to silo and bulk loader method.

  • 2016 July 27

    Far-sailing plans

    Russia’s fleet of nuclear-powered icebreakers is the key element of several Arctic projects. Icebreakers’ tasks are to escort vessels delivering cargoes for military bases in the Arctic, to support large scale projects on development of Arctic shelf, etc. Building up of the national fleet of icebreakers is underway.

  • 2016 July 19

    Aleksandr Poshivai, Deputy Head of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency: “The staff supports reorganization of Moscow State Academy of Water Transport”.

    RF Transport Ministry has made a decision on merger of Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (MSAWT) into Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping. Aleksandr Poshivai, Deputy Head of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency, tells IAA PortNews about the reasons and consequences of that decision.

  • 2016 July 15

    Against the background of steel ships

    Russian shipbuilding industry has been getting more diversified over the recent years. USC domination in the market is decreasing while the activity of independent shipyards is growing.

  • 2016 July 11

    Crimea will focus on tourists

    Maintenance of the infrastructure available in Crimea, reconstruction of its berths and servicing of cargoes intended for internal consumption will be among the priorities of seaports up to the commissioning of the Kerch (Crimea) Bridge. In the future the ports are supposed to become the centers of maritime recreation and tourism, agreed the participants of the Third Crimean Transport Forum in Alushta.