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  • 2013 January 7

    From the forests to outer harbours

    Experts have said recently that the port of St. Petersburg has reached the limits in its expansion in the main part of the city. But not so long ago, it was located in the suburbs. We decided to publish a collection of maps and old photographs, illustrating the development of the port city since its founding.

  • 2012 December 30

    Transport as means to conquer

    Transport and transit opportunities in a globalizing world are increasingly becoming kind of powerful geopolitical weapon. It is used through lobbying certain norms of international law, as well as through infrastructure projects that are putting pressure on neighboring countries. Russia is also trying to use its transport and transit capabilities in national interests.

  • 2012 December 23

    Shipping industry ups and downs

    The worlds’ large-tonnage shipping continues to be experiencing pressure of low freight rates. Companies have to lay up their ships or get rid of them. On the contrary, last year leading Russian shipping companies have managed to expand their fleets with new vessels.

  • 2012 December 15

    Phantoms of Russian infrastructure

    Over the last few years, there have been quite a few ambitious transport projects announced in Russia. Yet some of the projects still have uncertain outlook, namely the deepwater ports projects in Kaliningrad and Arkhangelsk, Murmansk Transportation Node, UP-UP, Northern Latitudinal Route and Belkomur.

  • 2012 December 7

    Andrei Bogdanov: “ULCT is focused on freight shipped today via Baltic States and Finland"

    Rumors of the new Ust-Luga Container Terminal lying idle without enough loads have been greatly exaggerated. The other day the second container train departed the terminal for Nizhny Novgorod. In a recent interview with PortNews JSC Ust-Luga Container Terminal (ULCT) CEO Andrei Bogdanov told how the terminal is developing after 11 months after its official inauguration.

  • 2012 December 2

    Far East still too far

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has slammed recently the government for poor control of the country’s Far East development. Disagreements between ministries and agencies over the region management, investment projects options, funding sources, business preferences frustrate plans of investors willing to invest in transport infrastructure.

  • 2012 November 27

    Passionless insurance

    Insurance in the field of water transport has become an integral part of the shipping business. Delegates of the 2nd International Conference of the Union of Marine Insurers (UMI) "Marine Insurance in Russia 2012", held recently in Moscow, addressed the legislative innovations in the field of insurance of Russian inland waterway transport, the effects of international sanctions for marine insurance market, the results of Russia’s accession to the international conventions. PortNews was the event technical coordinator.

  • 2012 November 23

    Northern crude oil flow

    Ports of the Russian North Sea basin can demonstrate in the foreseeable future the most dynamic growth in liquid bulk exports. This can be achieved both recovering cargo volumes through the existing facilities and implementing new projects for the extraction of hydrocarbons and building new export terminals.

  • 2012 November 18

    PORT FLEET marks 15th anniversary

    CJSC PORT FLEET is celebrating the 15th anniversary of its incorporation. Throughout the years PORT FLEET has evolved into the largest company in the Northwest Russia, which operates in the port services segment. The company has gained extensive experience in dredging, towing, bunkering, environmental services, icebreaking services and ship repair provided to its customers.

  • 2012 November 10

    A trillion for RZD

    The Government of the Russian Federation has approved in general the investment program of Russian Railways (JSC RZD) until 2015. Overall, the country will inject RUB 1.1 trillion in the state-owned rail monopoly development. Part of the money will be invested in elimination of "bottlenecks," on the rail network carrying loads to the Russian ports. However, the Ministry of Economic Development believes that RZD should better cut down on costs instead of hiking rates and seeking the government assistance.