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  • 2011 March 12

    Cornering the market

    According to shipping companies and maritime agents, since early 2011 there have been more signs that, say, things are likely heading towards monopolization by Transneft of the stevedoring services at the country’s seaports. At least, the Federal Antimonopoly Service has recently blown a whistle over an alleged monopolization attempt by the company of the market at Kozmino terminal.

  • 2011 February 22

    Niels Stolberg, President & CEO Beluga Shipping GmbH: “Part of our commercial strategy is regular use of Northern Sea Route”

    Beluga Shipping GmbH, focused on overseas shipping of oversized, heavy-lift cargoes, became the first foreign commercial shipping company that has successfully transported transit cargo along the Northern Sea Route. Mr. Niels Stolberg, the President and CEO of Beluga Shipping GmbH told in an interview with PortNews about the company’s plans, the impact of the global financial crisis, market trends, measures to combat piracy and prospects for the use of alternative fuels for ships.

  • 2011 February 17

    Prospects for the development of the Russian container market

    Analytical agency Infranews has completed a study “The Russian container market 2010-11, new horizons." The figures are stable. Neither breakthroughs nor new quality are to be observed.

  • 2011 February 12

    Ust-Luga’s CEO Maxim Shirokov: "We have changed the negative investment trend"

    A pool of investors of the seaport of Ust-Luga will be formed before the end of 2012. Ust-Luga Company CEO Maxim Shirokov told in an interview with PortNews about current development of the newest Russian port.

  • 2011 February 7

    Port Oulu’s Director Kari Himanen: "We are looking forward better times"

    Port Oulu’s Director Kari Himanen: "We aspire to better times" The Finland’s port of Oulu has successfully come out of global financial crisis and gradually increasing volume of cargo. The port has developed for this year an extensive investment program for construction of new terminal facilities. Port Director Kari Himanen told in an interview with PortNews about the Oulu port’s plans.

  • 2011 January 26

    Konstantin Shvalev: investors get flexible logistics solutions placing their companies at the port

    The group of companies Azov-Don Shipping Company (ADSC Group) is currently implementing a project for development of Rostov Universal Port, a multimodal transport and logistics hub at a port of Rostov. The Group is also building a river port of Ust-Donetsk in the Rostov region to become an industrial cluster.

  • 2011 January 21

    When the captains leave...

    It was a great loss for Big Port of St. Petersburg and local shipping companies when Deputy Harbormaster Alexander F. Glukhov suddenly died on January 16. Condolences to the family of Alexander Glukhov were sent from Moscow and other Russian cities, from his foreign friends and colleagues. The industry journalists also commiserate with his family in their sorrow.

  • 2010 December 27

    Saving the rescuers

    The condition of navigation and hydrographic support (NHS) of Russian waterways, as well as rescue fleet leaves much to be desired. Such a disappointing conclusion was made by members of the Marine Board of the Russian government, who met on Dec. 24, 2010. To improve the situation, the Board members decided to develop the concept of maritime NHS system and in the future to form a new federal agency responsible for its development. Rosmorflot eyes investment of over 1bn rubles in improvement of the MNHS system until 2015.

  • 2010 December 19

    Turkmenistan eyes moving oil exports via Russia

    According to expert estimates Turkmenistan could increase by 2020 crude oil exports by almost 4 times - up to 10 million tons a year. The country is also exporting more petroleum products, primarily fuel oil, diesel fuel and gasoline, and liquefied gases. Part of this flow will rush to the Russian ports and inland waterways, which will create additional opportunities for stevedoring and shipping businesses in the Caspian region and for shipbuilders.

  • 2010 December 13

    Gasoline vs diesel fuel

    Russia plans in the near future to align the export duty on light and dark oil products, which will lead to a drop in the production of dark oil products. At the same time, the Russian ports are so far focused on the handling of dark oil products. Are the terminals expecting a massive conversion?