About Company


History and background of creation
For Russia, the Azov-Black Sea region is one of the strategically important territories whose economy is inextricably linked with the sea. The issues of safety of navigation, shipping and industrial activities, as well as the preservation of the unique southern natural diversity are particularly relevant here. Their solution requires a high scientific and intellectual potential, which became the fundamental goal when organizing the YUZHNIIMF Scientific Research Institute in the hero city of Novorossiysk on June 22, 2012, focused on creating conditions for the safe operation of marine and coastal facilities.
Main areas of activity
Joint Stock Company "Southern Marine Research and Design Institute named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union I.S. Isakov" (JSC "Yuzhniimf") carries out activities in the following main areas:
research direction;
experimental design direction;
design and survey direction;
environmental and ecological direction;
educational and professional direction;
construction and production direction.
The corresponding structural unit of the Institute is responsible for the development and smooth operation of each of the directions.
Design of ships and port infrastructure facilities
The Experimental Design Bureau (OKB) is engaged in the development of projects for ships and floating objects, as well as the manufacture of prototypes and their testing. To a greater extent, we are focused on the design of small and pleasure vessels, boats and yachts, houseboats and yacht floats, which is due to the resort orientation of our region.
The Industrial Design Sector (SPP) performs a full cycle of design work for port infrastructure facilities: berths, shore fortifications, overpasses, industrial buildings and structures. In addition to engineering calculations, development of design and working documentation, estimated rationing is carried out, as well as support for coordination procedures and examinations.
Engineering surveys and environmental design
The Engineering Survey Department (OII) is focused on performing a full range of engineering surveys for the construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities. Currently, the OII has the opportunity to independently implement engineering-geodetic, engineering-geological, engineering-hydrographic, engineering-ecological and engineering-hydrometeorological surveys.
OII also conducts a complex of environmental studies and justifications: development of environmental impact assessment (EIA) materials, support of the state environmental assessment (SEE), participation in public discussions of project and substantiating documentation materials, development of plans for the prevention and elimination of oil and petroleum products spills, plans for complex and training exercises, coordination of materials in the bodies of Rosmorrechflot, EMERCOM of Russia, Rosprirodnadzor, etc.
Inspection of port hydraulic structures
LLC "Scientific Research Complex "IKTIN.LAB" is a part of the YUZHNIIMF Group of Companies, and is an accredited testing laboratory, has the necessary technical and property equipment, a staff of employees who meet the qualification requirements for the activities carried out.
LLC "NICK "IKTIN.LAB" performs works within the framework of the current regulatory framework (GOST R 54 523-2011 "Port hydraulic structures. Rules of inspection and monitoring of technical condition"), as well as under the management of the ISO quality management system.
Educational activities
The Scientific and Educational Center (REC) deals with training issues, the range of services of which is quite wide and is not limited to educational activities themselves. For example, the teachers of the center provide expert and consulting support in the certification of rescuers and emergency rescue units, develop certification cases, participate in certification inspections, etc. As for the training itself, the list of implemented educational programs is about 100 titles in six directions. These are professional training of rescuers for the elimination of oil and petroleum products spills, gas rescue operations, advanced training programs for engineering workers of the port complex, training in working professions (drainer, drainer, rigger, ship repairman, slinger, etc.). Training is being conducted on industrial safety and transport safety programs, we are training small-size shipmasters and labor protection specialists. For the convenience of students, the portal of distance learning of the REC YUZHNIIMF works.
Construction of small vessels
The subsidiary company Yuzhniimf-Service LLC carries out a new direction of our activity – the construction of small vessels according to the projects of the Institute's own development. We chose HDPE as the housing material – low-pressure polyethylene, very convenient to process, durable and lightweight material. Equipment and tools were purchased for it, staff was hired and a production site was organized. We carry out the entire cycle of work independently: from cutting parts, laying the keel, assembly operations — to launching and sea trials. We are engaged in the construction and equipment of multi-purpose speedboats, which we are preparing for the summer season with the possibility of using on local beaches for water attractions and recreation on the water.


History and background of creation

For Russia, the Azov-Black Sea region is one of the strategically important territories whose economy is inextricably linked with the sea. The issues of safety of navigation, shipping and industrial activities, as well as the preservation of the unique southern natural diversity are particularly relevant here. Their solution requires a high scientific and intellectual potential, which became the fundamental goal when organizing the SMRDIMF Scientific Research Institute in the hero city of Novorossiysk on June 22, 2012, focused on creating conditions for the safe operation of marine and coastal facilities.

Main areas of activity


Joint Stock Company "Southern Marine Research and Design Institute named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union I.S. Isakov" (JSC "SMRDIMF") carries out activities in the following main areas:


  • research direction;
  • experimental design direction;
  • design and survey direction;
  • environmental and ecological direction;
  • educational and professional direction;
  • construction and production direction.


The corresponding structural unit of the Institute is responsible for the development and smooth operation of each of the directions.

Design of ships and port infrastructure facilities


The Experimental Design Bureau (OKB) is engaged in the development of projects for ships and floating objects, as well as the manufacture of prototypes and their testing. To a greater extent, we are focused on the design of small and pleasure vessels, boats and yachts, houseboats and yacht floats, which is due to the resort orientation of our region.
The Industrial Design Sector performs a full cycle of design work for port infrastructure facilities: berths, shore fortifications, overpasses, industrial buildings and structures. In addition to engineering calculations, development of design and working documentation, estimated rationing is carried out, as well as support for coordination procedures and examinations.

Engineering surveys and environmental design


The Engineering Survey Department (OII) is focused on performing a full range of engineering surveys for the construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities. Currently, the OII has the opportunity to independently implement engineering-geodetic, engineering-geological, engineering-hydrographic, engineering-ecological and engineering-hydrometeorological surveys.
OII also conducts a complex of environmental studies and justifications: development of environmental impact assessment (EIA) materials, support of the state environmental assessment (SEE), participation in public discussions of project and substantiating documentation materials, development of plans for the prevention and elimination of oil and petroleum products spills, plans for complex and training exercises, coordination of materials in the bodies of Rosmorrechflot, EMERCOM of Russia, Rosprirodnadzor, etc.

Inspection of port hydraulic structures


LLC "Scientific Research Complex "IKTIN.LAB" is a part of the SMRDIMF Group of Companies, and is an accredited testing laboratory, has the necessary technical and property equipment, a staff of employees who meet the qualification requirements for the activities carried out.
LLC "SRC "IKTIN.LAB" performs works within the framework of the current regulatory framework (GOST R 54 523-2011 "Port hydraulic structures. Rules of inspection and monitoring of technical condition"), as well as under the management of the ISO quality management system.

Educational activities


The Scientific and Educational Center (SEC) deals with training issues, the range of services of which is quite wide and is not limited to educational activities themselves. For example, the teachers of the center provide expert and consulting support in the certification of rescuers and emergency rescue units, develop certification cases, participate in certification inspections, etc. As for the training itself, the list of implemented educational programs is about 100 titles in six directions. These are professional training of rescuers for the elimination of oil and petroleum products spills, gas rescue operations, advanced training programs for engineering workers of the port complex, training in working professions (drainer, drainer, rigger, ship repairman, slinger, etc.). Training is being conducted on industrial safety and transport safety programs, we are training small-size shipmasters and labor protection specialists. For the convenience of students, the portal of distance learning of the SEC SMRDIMF works.

Construction of small vessels


The subsidiary company SMRDIMF-Service LLC carries out a new direction of our activity – the construction of small vessels according to the projects of the Institute's own development. We chose HDPE as the housing material – low-pressure polyethylene, very convenient to process, durable and lightweight material. Equipment and tools were purchased for it, staff was hired and a production site was organized. We carry out the entire cycle of work independently: from cutting parts, laying the keel, assembly operations — to launching and sea trials. We are engaged in the construction and equipment of multi-purpose speedboats, which we are preparing for the summer season with the possibility of using on local beaches for water attractions and recreation on the water.

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В добрый путь,  судоремонтная верфь Алексино!
2023 December 26 :

В добрый путь, судоремонтная верфь Алексино!

Мы поздравляем Всех наших партнеров и клиентов с наступающим Новым годом! Желаем здоровья, благополучия!  За декабрь 2023 года было проведено 12 доковых  операций. Гибкая ценовая политика, проводимая администрацией судоремонтной верфи Алексино,


+7 (8617) 60-12-14
1/5, Naberezhnaya adm. Serebryakova / Revolutsii 1905 g. Street, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy Krai, RUSSIA, 353900

Company News

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