News 2019 July 3

18:06 Boskalis to dry dock Carnival cruise ship on the Boka Vanguard
17:54 Wärtsilä, Oshima & DNV GL joint development project produces Bulk Carrier design to meet IMO 2030 environmental targets
17:28 Meyer Turku wins third Icon class ship contract from Royal Caribbean
17:05 Optimarin sees revenues double in first six months of 2019
16:52 ASCO Chairman meets with young sailors in an informal format
16:35 Flemish Government adopts final preference decision for new sea lock in Zeebrugge
16:20 AS Tallink Grupp published its statistics for June 2019 and the second quarter of the 2019 financial year
16:04 GloFouling project sets to work in the Pacific
15:47 ZIM launches two direct services between Asia and the US Gulf
15:23 RS participates in IACS Council 79
15:04 LR announces the latest release of LR AllAssets
14:56 Alexey Lazarev appointed Head of RS Branch Office in Italy
14:25 System of preferences for PDA and FPV residents to be revised and expanded
14:04 Peru accedes to IMO's anti-fouling treaty
13:49 Admiral Gorshkov frigate of RF Navy’s Northern Fleet takes part in exercise in the Atlantic
13:22 10th SAFETY4SEA Athens Forum to be held on October 2
13:03 Further MacGregor deck machinery destined for heavy-duty naval operations
12:50 River assets of Nornickel to be managed by Nornickel-ERP LLC
12:03 CMA CGM to improve its FAL 1 and FAL 3 services connecting Asia with North Europe
11:36 Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic: Arctic Development Strategy to be prepared by end of year
11:00 Port of Virginia has become the first US port to join SEALNG
10:42 Yamal LNG produced 9.0 million tons of LNG and 0.6 million tons of stable gas condensate in H1’19
10:35 MABUX: Bunker Market this morning, July 03
10:23 Brent Crude futures price is up 0.29% to $62.59, Light Sweet Crude – up 0.28% to $56.41
10:05 German rail operator Boxxpress starts in Rotterdam
09:41 Bunker prices increase at the port of Saint-Petersburg, Russia (graph)
09:18 Baltic Dry Index is up to 1,446 pointsBaltic Dry Index is up to 1,446 points
09:05 Verifavia is the third largest global accredited EU MRV verifier and the first non-class independent one
08:15 Diana Shipping announces time charter contract for m/v Atalandi with Uniper

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