News 2020 July 2

18:37 CMA CGM announces FAK rates from Asia to the Mediterranean
18:20 First ship leaves VaninoTransUgol terminal in Muchke Bay for China (video)
18:04 CMA CGM updates PSS for Reefer Cargo from North Europe, Scandinavia, Poland & Baltic, West Med & Adriatic to the Indian Subcontinent, Middle East Gulf & Red Sea
18:04 ClassNK releases Annual Report on Port State Control
17:52 Glavgosexpertiza approves expansion of access canal to Sabetta port
17:35 Royal Niestern Sander delivers the hydrographic survey vessel ‘Geo Ranger’ to Geo Plus B.V.
17:21 Oil shipments via CPC Marine Terminal in 6M’20 climbed by 2.2% YoY
17:04 Kongsberg Digital acquires Danish maritime software company COACH Solutions
16:55 Federal government waives the traffic dues for the Kiel Canal until 31.12.2020
16:45 Fincantieri subsidiary INSIS acquired a majority share in Support Logistic Services
16:23 Webinar “Pusher-tugs as a pivot of river transportation chain. Will we have them built?” slated for 8 July 2020
16:04 IPCSA launches the Network of Trusted Networks
15:42 Shipbuilding facility of Neptun CDB in Novaya Ladoga lays down two cruise ships of Project PV20S
15:20 New transshipment terminal soon to become operational at the Port of Gothenburg
15:04 250,000 m2 of rooftop solar panels to be installed in the port of Amsterdam by 2024
14:23 MABUX releases weekly review of global bunker market
14:03 Nippon Paint Marine completes the extensive re-coating of the 1911-built cargo ship
13:29 Cargo traffic within Azov-Don Basin of Russia’s IWWs fell by 5% in 6M’20
13:05 Premiere for Rolls-Royce's first MTU gas engines in new Doeksen ferry
12:44 Bunker prices are slightly up at the Far East ports of Russia (graph)
12:22 Rosmorport announced tender for construction of LNG transshipment facility in Kamchatka
12:00 APM Terminals introduces APIs to transform the next generation of terminal data
11:21 Russian Railways' network loading fell by 4.5% in 6M’ 2020
11:03 ECSA calls on the German Presidency to support a stronger European shipping industry
10:47 Bunker sales at Vladivostok port in 6M’2020 fell by 23% YoY
10:29 Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam delivers trawler Jonge Johannes
10:24 Tallink Grupp makes strategic future investment and purchases ro-pax vessel Sailor
10:02 Oil prices continue rising
09:59 Yang Ming fulfills green promise carbon emission reduced 51% in 2019
09:45 Tallink Grupp adds more departures to Helsinki-Riga and Turku-Tallinn routes for August 2020
09:28 MABUX: Bunker market this morning, July 02
09:23 Inaugural meeting of the international advisory panel on maritime decarbonisation
09:18 Baltic Dry Index as of July 1

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