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2017 July 5   11:56

WMU hosts Stakeholder Engagement for Maritime and Ocean Governance symposium

A cross-specialization symposium focused on Stakeholder Engagement for Maritime and Ocean Governance took place at WMU from 26 to 30 June. WMU says the seminar addressed the interdependency between the maritime and ocean environments and communities, including the need to clearly define and understand the various stakeholder roles and responsibilities required to ensure successful long-term interdependence and management of fragile ocean ecosystems.

The symposium highlighted the joint agenda for the future of our oceans set forth by the European Commission and the EU's High Representative that includes 50 proposed actions for safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed oceans in Europe and around the world. The joint agenda reinforces the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular Sustainable Development Goal 14: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.

In her opening remarks for the event, President Doumbia-Henry stated, “WMU is committed to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. At the recent UN Ocean Conference that took place in New York in June, WMU registered a commitment to Goal 14 and participated in high-level dialogues aimed at accelerating the commitments and actions of nations, UN bodies, private sector organizations, NGOs and civil society toward a healthier, more resilient and productive ocean environment. The Call for Action issued from the Ocean Conference speaks directly to the urgent need to cut across sectoral silos and aim for an integrated approach. This symposium is a positive step toward that goal. The power of WMU’s unique global network and our ability to deliver high-level education in-house has brought world class experts here today to present and discuss the most up-to-date, innovative material on this timely subject.”

The event increased cooperation and coordination across the specializations on a multitude of maritime safety and security topics, highlighting the complex, multi-use and changing ocean environment within which competing expectations require thoughtful planning. Students specializing in Maritime Energy Management (MEM), Maritime Safety and Environmental Administration (MSEA), Maritime Law and Policy (MLP), and Ocean Sustainability, Governance and Management (OSGM) participated in the event.

The diverse range of speakers included individuals from: International Maritime Organization, DG Move, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Labour Organization, International Maritime Safety Security Environmental Academy (IMSSEA), UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, NATO’s Center of Excellence for Operations in Confined Shallow Waters (COE CSW), NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center (NMIOTC), Aalto University, Finnish Lifeboat Institution, Intermanager, The Nautical Institute, Pew Charitable Trusts, Sea Traffic Management Project, SOFTimpact Ltd., and WMU.


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