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2023 September 26   14:14

Admiral Makarov SUMIS to install simulator for training specialists of maritime autonomous surface ships navigation

Использование технологий виртуальной реальности (фото 2)
Image source: Admiral Makarov SUMIS
The simulator is intended for practical training of MASS crew members, operators of remote control centers and VTS

Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping says it has signed a contract for purchase of the navigation simulator for ship personnel and coastal specialists training in the field of a-Navigation and e-Navigation.

The simulator is intended for research and practical training of crew members of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS), operators of remote control centers and operators of coastal vessel traffic systems (VTS) in which area autonomous vessels can be operated.

Admiral Makarov SUMIS has set itself the task to put into operation a simulator for training of ship crews and coastal specialists in the field of a-Navigation and e-Navigation based on advanced Russian technologies: computer modeling technologies of various levels of ship traffic intensity based on 3-dimensional computer models with adequate spatial dynamics, various maneuverable characteristics and dimensions, functioning and promising navigation support facilities, coastal infrastructure complexes in conjunction with modeling of changing environmental conditions; virtual and augmented reality technologies for simulation control and display of navigation bridge equipment, navigation environment, providing the learner adequate tactile and visual perception of the navigation environment with modeling of changing environmental conditions.

“The latest technical solutions combined with advanced educational technologies will allow us, together with our partners from the Russian University of Transport, to create a system and methodology for crews` training of the main categories of MASS, operators of remote control centers of MASS and operators of VTS in the areas of operation of MASS,” — said the rector of Admiral Makarov SUMIS, Professor Sergey Baryshnikov.

“The University has chosen the concept of combining the functions of approved conventional simulators and promising virtual and augmented reality technologies, which will ensure maximum flexibility and versatility in the organization of the educational process both within the framework of the main educational programs for training cadets and for the implementation of additional professional education programs for industry specialists,” the rector stressed.

It should be noted that the International Maritime Organization has begun to develop the International MASS Code. It is expected that its development will take approximately 2.5 years (until the end of 2025) in order to introduce the Code as an optional IMO instrument in 2026, and as a mandatory one in 2028. Such decisions were made at the 107th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee in June 2023.


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