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  • Мур­манское мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство получило пре­мию "Луч­ший эко­ло­ги­чес­кий...
  • 22 декабря 2008 10:30

    Мур­манское мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство получило пре­мию "Луч­ший эко­ло­ги­чес­кий про­ект 2008 го­да" за проект "Бун­ке­ро­воч­ная ба­за"

    ОАО «Мур­манское мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство» получило пре­мию «Луч­ший эко­ло­ги­чес­кий про­ект 2008 го­да», сообщается на сайте компании. ММП ста­ло лауреа­том в но­ми­на­ции «При­ро­до­охран­ные тех­но­ло­гии» за про­ект «Бун­ке­ро­воч­ная ба­за ОАО «ММП». Про­ект раз­ра­бо­тан спе­циалис­та­ми Де­пар­та­мен­та объектов нефте­обес­пе­че­ния.

    «Определяя победителей в номинациях премии Минприроды «Лучший экологический проект года» мы, фактически, осуществляем экологический аудит российских предприятий», - отметил глава Минприроды РФ Юрий Трутнев на церемонии награждения лауреатов.

    Помимо диплома, победители премии получат право использовать в продвижении своей продукции официальный знак «Экологический проект года», утвержденный Правительством РФ и будут внесены в реестр экологически добросовестных предприятий Минприроды РФ.

    Премия Министерства природных ресурсов и экологии РФ учреждена в 2008 году в целях выявления производственных и научно-технических достижений в сфере охраны природы и обеспечения экологической безопасности, а также стимулирования промышленных предприятий к разработке и внедрению проектов по снижению негативного воздействия на окружающую среду.

    Мур­ман­ское го­су­дар­ствен­ное мор­ское су­хо­груз­ное и пас­са­жир­ское па­ро­ход­ство образовано 22 сен­тяб­ря 1939 го­да (c 1967 го­да - Мур­ман­ское мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство). С 1993 го­да пре­обра­зо­ва­но в акци­онер­ное об­ще­ство от­кры­то­го ти­па со сме­шан­ной фор­мой собственно­сти и яв­ля­ется право­преем­ни­ком го­су­дар­ствен­но­го пред­при­ятия «Мур­ман­ское мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство». На рын­ке транс­порт­ных ус­луг сре­ди рос­сий­ских су­до­вла­дель­цев до­ля гру­зо­пе­ре­во­зок фло­том Мур­ман­ско­го па­ро­ход­ства в об­щем объе­ме пе­ре­во­зок су­да­ми под рос­сий­ским фла­гом со­став­ля­ет 40%. ОАО «Мур­ман­ское мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство» включа­ет в се­бя флот трех рос­сий­ских су­до­ход­ных ком­па­ний: ОАО «Мур­ман­ское мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство», ОАО «Се­вер­ное мор­ское па­ро­ход­ство», ОАО «Се­вер­ное реч­ное пароходство», об­щим дед­вей­том око­ло 1,2 млн тонн. ОАО «Мур­ман­ское мор­ское пароходство» вы­пол­няет до 80% гру­зо­пе­ре­во­зок на трас­сах Се­вер­но­го мор­ско­го пу­ти.

2024 September 20

18:00 ORLEN and bp sign oil supply contract
17:26 MOL invests in HIF Global, a U.S.-based company of e-Fuels
16:59 Valenciaport handled 6.3 million tonnes of goods in August 2024
16:25 Damen Shipyards to build vessels for stock in the UAE as offshore and dredging activity accelerates in the Arabian Gulf
15:44 Korean Register and HD Hyundai Heavy Industries engage in joint development of enhanced ammonia fuel supply system through risk assessment
15:04 Saudi Arabia sees 14.6% rise in container traffic in 2023: GASTAT
14:38 TotalEnergies to supply 1.25 million tons of LNG per year to CNOOC until 2034
14:29 Technip Energies and KBR selected for a major LNG project by Lake Charles LNG
13:58 Wartsila Gas Solutions reliquefaction system to improve Excelerate Energy’s FSRU operations with retrofit project
13:29 GTT secures an order for the tank design for the world’s six largest ethane carriers
12:20 ClassNK awards a Notation for the Safe Transportation of BEVs to car carrier “TEXAS HIGHWAY”
11:40 Lloyd’s Register, MSC, SDARI and MAN-ES agree continuation of collaboration for ammonia dual-fuel container ship
11:09 Decreasing trend in detected oil spills in the Baltic Sea continues
10:35 Korean Register grants AiP to Samsung Heavy Industries for 9,300 TEU ammonia-fueled container ship
10:09 Indian ports shows hiking freight rates by nearly 70% in August
09:44 Panama Canal estimates to reach $3.5 bln in profit in fiscal year 2024

2024 September 19

18:00 The Rotterdam-Singapore Green and Digital Shipping Corridor aims to reduce emissions from large container vessels by at least 20% by 2030
17:23 Grimaldi and Minoan Lines consortium acquires majority stake in Heraklion Port for €80mln
17:01 US files US$ 100m lawsuit against Dali owner and operator
16:41 Hanwha announces tender offer for Dyna-Mac Holdings shares
16:08 Rolls-Royce agrees to sell Naval Propulsors & Handling business to Fairbanks Morse Defense
15:56 Liquefied CO2 cargo containment system earns ABS approval
15:32 Babcock’s LGE business granted Approval in Principle for ammonia release recovery system
14:53 Wartsila and Chevron Shipping partner to lower methane emissions on LNG carriers
14:23 Port of Los Angeles container volume increases 16% to 960,597 TEU in August 2024
13:52 ABS approves IMODCO’s New Energy Terminals for offshore ammonia transfers
13:24 First digital shipyard project at Onego Shipyard is ready for equipment commissioning
13:11 Sweden's first OPS for cruise ships inaugurated in Stockholm
12:40 AtoB@C Shipping takes delivery of Aquamar
12:01 Konecranes wins order for 5 advanced hybrid RTGs from Taiwan terminal
11:38 NYK launches a brand "HULL NUMBER ZERO" for the Group's Technology Solutions Integration
11:05 MOL receives approval in principle from DNV for an 80,000m3 capacity liquefied hydrogen carrier
10:47 Nantong CIMC Sinopacific Offshore & Engineering shipyard opts again for Wärtsilä cargo handling and fuel gas supply systems
10:02 NYK and Oono Development sign MoU to commercialize ship recycling business

2024 September 18

18:00 IUMI reports sustained improvement for cargo insurance market
17:35 TotalEnergies will supply 1.1 million tons per year to BOTAŞ for 10 years
17:06 PaxOcean announces the signing of a newbuilding contract with Greek shipowner
16:41 CB&I and Hanwha Ocean receive approval for cargo containment system and ship design for liquid hydrogen carriers from DNV
16:13 DNV awards AiP for HD Hyundai’s onboard carbon capture and storage system retrofit design
15:56 MOL, GCMD and Yara Clean Ammonia succeeds ammonia STS trial in Australia port
15:24 ClassNK issues Approval in Principle for large liquefied CO2 carriers of 50,000 m³ and 23,000 m³
14:45 Orkla Suomi, Scandic Trans and Viking Line launch the Baltic Sea’s first green freight corridor
14:29 LR awards Approval in Principle to Seaspan Corporation for a next generation feeder with ammonia-powered propulsion
13:50 X-Press Feeders took a risk by deciding to order vessels with dual-fuel methanol propulsion before discussing with customers in 2021
13:20 Drewry launches new Intra-Asia Container Index
12:40 SeaBubbles launches new flying boat model
12:20 BC Ferries purchases the first five of seven new ships
11:50 Sea-Intelligence conducts an extensive overview of the new alliance structure in 2025
11:10 Bureau Veritas grants AiP for PONANT’s low-carbon, wind-assisted passenger vessel design
10:40 ABS signs MOU with HD KSOE to advance zero-carbon ships
10:00 Ascenz Marorka to equip Gazocean’s entire LNG carrier fleet with its Smart Shipping solution

2024 September 17

18:00 Boskalis installed the Gallaf GE Central Processing Platform topside at the Al Shaheen field offshore Qatar
17:20 Venture Global secures 1 million tonnes per annum of LNG regasification capacity at the new Alexandroupolis LNG receiving terminal in Greece for five years
17:06 Seapeak becomes first shipping company to join UN oil and gas methane patrnership
16:42 Equinor's FPSO is moored on the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea
16:10 Svitzer places order to build the world’s first battery electric methanol tug
15:46 NORDEN enters into biofuel arrangement with BHP
15:13 ClassNK grants Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions to “V-MO” developed by Asahi Kasei Engineering
14:40 MAN PrimeServ signs two-year Service Cooperation Agreement with COSCO
14:22 The UAE Maritime Administration takes decision to ban OCEANEXL FZC from bunker trading
13:42 World Shipping Council appoints Tamekia Flack as Director of U.S. Government Relations
13:22 Centus Marine and Strategic Marine introduce Malaysia’s first hybrid crew boat
12:41 Wartsila reports CO2 emission reductions equivalent to annual emissions of 17,000 cars with Fit4Power solution
12:01 Alfa Laval secures major order for ballast water management system replacements
11:30 Aramco announces agreements with key Chinese partners
11:10 INTERCARGO submits proposals to IMO calling for revision of Carbon Intensity Indicator at MEPC 82
10:51 Shipbuilder Harland & Wolff files for bankruptcy
10:44 DNV awards AiP to HD KSOE’s hydrogen system for liquefied hydrogen carrier
10:14 Typhoon Bebinca suspends bunker deliveries in Chinese ports
09:45 European LNG import terminals are used less as demand drops