About PortNews IAA
ПАО "Совкомфлот" ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8KYz8Z
ООО "Газпромнефть Марин Бункер" ИНН 7838392447 ERID: LjN8KPSVp
Yevgeny Tuzinkevich appointed as Deputy Head of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency
Kostroma Plant of Marine Equipment delivers 10th survey ship of Project 3330
Half-year cargo volume at Russian seaports rises 10.5% to 453.3 million tonnes
Rosmorport reports on readiness of its fleet for icebreaker support season of 2022‒2023 in Russia’s freezing ports
Boris Tashimov appointed as Deputy Head of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency
Rosmorrechflot approves first applications for budget subsidies aimed at support of cargo shipping to Kaliningrad
Zakhary Djioev appointed as head of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency
Throughput of Russian seaports in 7M’2022 declined by 0.2% YoY
Delivery of dredgers being built by Lotos for Rosmorrechflot can be postponed to 2023
Shipyard OKA lays keels for five NE 025 FF class salvage tugs for Rosmorrechflot
Rechvodput takes delivery of first buoy tender in a series of 10 ships of Project 3052
The LNG Fleet, LNG Bunkering and Other Alternatives Conference kicks off in Moscow
Navigation season officially closed in Lena Basin of RF IWW
Rosmorrechflot supports 5th LNG Fleet, LNG Bunkering and Alternatives conference
Rosmorrechflot supports the International Conference “Development of Icebreaking and Support Fleet”
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alternative fuels
ООО "БТК" ИНН 7805441610 ERID: LjN8KA43t
Mabux AB Org. number 5566395470 ERID: LjN8KDhfs