About PortNews IAA
ПАО "Совкомфлот" ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8KYz8Z
ООО "Газпромнефть Марин Бункер" ИНН 7838392447 ERID: LjN8KPSVp
Rhine in south Germany reopens to shipping
President Putin calls for upgrading the country’s inland waterways core infrastructure
Lena Shipping deploys 150 vessels for transportation of ‘Northern deliveries’ loads
Starway Group delivers first cargo to Yakutia in navigation season 2023
Waterborne traffic on Russia's inland waterways rose 6% in the 2022 navigation season, Rosmorrechflot says
Rosmorrechflot reports reduction of oil products transportation by Russia’s IWW in 2022
Rosatom and Rosmorrechflot work out inland water transport corridors leading to Northern Sea Route
Cargo traffic within Azov-Don Basin of Russia’s IWW in 8M’2022 fell by 46% YoY to 3.15 million tonnes
Programme for construction of ships for inland transportation estimated at RUB 255.8 billion - APSRT
Three new barges delivered cargo for construction of Amur Gas Chemical Complex
Lena River United Shipping Company shipped 624.3 thousand tonnes of cargo this navigation season
Operation of river transport can be hindered due to low water level on the Kolyma river
Yenisei River Shipping Company adjusts its work to shallow water conditions on Yenisei
Russia’s inland water transport companies increased cargo transportation by 0.7% in H1’22
Critically low water level on Yenisey is responsible for changes in inland waterway logistics
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ООО "БТК" ИНН 7805441610 ERID: LjN8KA43t
Mabux AB Org. number 5566395470 ERID: LjN8KDhfs