About PortNews IAA
ПАО "Совкомфлот" ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8KYz8Z
ООО "Газпромнефть Марин Бункер" ИНН 7838392447 ERID: LjN8KPSVp
DEME Offshore installs final foundation at Hornsea Two offshore wind farm
CDWE signs ECA for the provision of pin piles with EEW for Hailong project
Vineyard Wind selects DEME Offshore US for foundation installation
DEME, Qair, and Aspiravi to bid into Scottish offshore wind leasing round
DEME Offshore prepares for next generation turbines with major crane upgrade for ‘Sea Installer’
DEME installs first offshore substation in France at Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm
Royal IHC hands over the world's most powerful and innovative cutter suction dredger to DEME
DEME Offshore successfully installs DolWin6 HVDC cable with ‘Living Stone’ operating on LNG
Belgian federal minister of energy Tinne Van Der Straeten names ‘Groenewind’ - heralding a new era in offshore wind maintenance
CDWE signs Exclusivity Capacity Agreement with CSBC for pin piles for the Hai Long offshore wind farm
DEME wins first floating offshore wind EPCI contract for the Leucate wind farm
Keel laying ceremony for ‘Green Jade’ was held at CSBC’s shipyard in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Parkwind selects DEME Offshore for foundation EPCI contract at Arcadis Ost I
DEME Offshore awarded Transport & Installation contract for Hollandse Kust (noord) and (west Alpha) offshore substations
DEME Offshore completes Moray East foundation installation
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alternative fuels
ООО "БТК" ИНН 7805441610 ERID: LjN8KA43t
Mabux AB Org. number 5566395470 ERID: LjN8KDhfs