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ПАО "Совкомфлот" ИНН 7702060116 ERID: LjN8KYz8Z
ООО "Газпромнефть Марин Бункер" ИНН 7838392447 ERID: LjN8KPSVp
Yantar Shipyard to build Russia’s largest fishing freezer trawler of Project 5670WSD
Regular shipping line can be organized for fish deliveries from Russia’s Far East
Okskaya Sudoverf takes part in Global Fishery Forum and Seafood Expo 2018
Russian Federal Fisheries Agency: crab quotas to be accompanied by investment obligations
Saving lives through enhanced fishing vessel safety on agenda of Global Fishery Forum in St. Petersburg
Russian fishermen caught 3.7 million tonnes of acuatic bioresources YTD, up 5.7% Y-o-Y
RF Government approves draft Agreement on Prevention of Unregulated High Seas Fishing in Arctic Ocean's Central Part
Global fishery industry expo in St. Petersburg to present national booths
Historical crab quota distribution principle is not effective enough – Rosrybolovstvo
Severnaya Verf lays down a longline factory vessel Gandvik-1 for fishing fleet of Karelia
FSB Border Service explains its position as regards vessels owned by foreign entities and used by Russian fishermen
State Duma approves Russian ships’ multiple crossings of State Border through notification procedure
Severnaya Verf will lay down a longline factory vessel Gandvik-1 on July 20
Severnaya Verf starts cutting metal for initial section of longline factory vessel (photo)
Murmansk Sea Fishing Port handled 117,700 tonnes of cargo in 4M’18, up 8.8% Y-o-Y (photo)
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ООО "БТК" ИНН 7805441610 ERID: LjN8KA43t
Mabux AB Org. number 5566395470 ERID: LjN8KDhfs