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  3. Master plan for dredging units required till 2030 covers 10 shipyards

2016 March 23   09:40

Master plan for dredging units required till 2030 covers 10 shipyards

Master plan for dredging vessels and equipment required till 2030 has been developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in February 2016 (IAA PortNews has the access to the document copy).

The plan provides for construction of 36 dredging ships at Lotus shipyard (Astrakhan Region) to the order of Rechvodput, 18 units at Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard including 13 units for Rechvodput and five units for Rosmorport

Zelenodolsk Plant named after Gorky is to get orders for 15 units from Rechvodput, Zavod Gidromekhanizatsii (Gidromeh CJSC, Rybinsk) – 21 units from the same customer. Rechvodput is also going to award the orders for two units to Sretensky shipyard (Zabaykalsky Territory)

Nobel Brothers Shipyard is to build five units including two units for Rechvodput and three for Rosmorport.  Kostromskoy Shipbuilding and Ship Repairing Yard is to build four units, Chkalovskaya Shipyard (Nizhny Novgorod Region) – two units, Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard (Saint-Petersburg) – three units for Rechvodput. Onezhsky Shipyard (Petrozavodsk) – 12 units for Rosmorport

All in all, the plan implies the construction of 118 dredging units.

Besides, Zavod Gidromekhanizatsii is to build three Watermaster dredgers to the order of the Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency in 2021-2025.

Related link:

Dmitry Rogozin says Russia’s dredging fleet requires renovation (photo) >>>>

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