Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp.(YM) will launch THI service (Taiwan-Hong Kong-Indonesia Service) on November 13th, 2017, the company said in its press release.
The service will be jointly operated by YM and T.S. Lines Co., LTD. (TSL) with a total of three container vessels of nominal 1800-TEU capacity. Of the three vessels, two will be deployed by YM and one by TSL. The ports of call will be Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shekou, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Kaohsiung. A round trip will take 21 days.
In addition to the new service, the rotation of CTI service (China–Indonesia service) independently operated by YM will be further adjusted as Shanghai–Ningbo–Shekou–Jakarta–Semarang–Surabaya–Hong Kong–Shanghai.
With the launch of THI and the rotation adjustment on CTI, YM will strengthen its Indonesia service network, and provide customers with more convenient and excellent delivery service.