The average indicative prices in the Port of Vladivostok for high sulfur product IFO 380 settled at $ 275.0 per metric ton, IFO180 HS – $ 285.0 pmt, MGO – $ 575.0 pmt, VLSFO (0.5%) – $ 560.0 pmt, the PortNews bunker prices review shows.
The marine fuel prices remain unchanged since bunker fuel suppliers in the Russian region have distributed volumes before the holidays (Feb 23).
VLSFO price ranges between $ 550.0 and $ 560.0 pmt.
There is a wide range of offers on the market. The difference between the maximum and minimum prices depends on the volume of the batch of marine fuel sold and the availability of the product.
Bunker fuel prices at the Port of Singapore: IFO 380 HS settled at $ 371.0 pmt, VLSFO (0.5%) – $ 620.0 pmt, MGO - $ 658.0 pmt.