The New York City Economic Development Corporation is investing more than $115 million to reopen the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal at the 30th Street pier, Daniel A. Zarrili, the NYEDC’s senior vice president of asset management, told a maritime industry gathering Tuesday. The 88-acre terminal, which is along the Bay Ridge Channel in Sunset Park, has been used as police tow pound since the 1980s.
The investment includes terminal infrastructure improvements, site preparation and dredging, as well as an additional $13 million to extend rail infrastructure to the terminal and connect it with the Southern Gateway, one of New York City’s principle connections to the national rail network.
The industrial park at the reopened South Brooklyn Marine Terminal will include a facility for processing of autos for both import and export. It will also include a recycling facility on 11 acres in the industrial park, Zarilli told the Port Industry Day gathering at the old Central Railroad of Jersey City terminal.