Expenses of FSUE Rosmorport for SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2014 hit RUB 50-60 mln. According to IAA PortNews reporter, this was announced by Victor Olersky, Chairman of the Regatta Supervisory Board, at the press conference dedicated to the event.
According to him, the core of this amount was spent for the berths in Novorossiysk (some RUB 35-40 mln) and transport safety as well as onshore leisure infrastructure. Mini marina for small yachts has been arranged in Novorossiysk.
Apart from FSUE Rosmorport, the investments were made by the event sponsors – title sponsor Sovcomflot and general sponsor Transneft.
The Regatta is expected to attract some 1-2 mln tourists to Russia’s Black Sea region.
According to Igor Tonkovidov, First Deputy to Sovcomflot Director General, the shipping company has supported the event as the title sponsor first of all for the popularization of the seafaring among young people.
As Mikhail Barkov, Vice-President of Transneft, says, the company supports thee Regatta because the Black Sea region is a strategic area for the Transneft activities. He also says the Regatta will contribute to improvement of Russia’s image in the region.
SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2014 will take place on April 30 – May 27, 2014. This unique maritime event will be arranged under the flag of Russia for the first time in its history. The largest Tall Ships are expected to take part, including four famous Russian Tall Ships – Mir, Kruzenshtern, Sedov and Nadezhda. They will twice cross the Black Sea and visit four ports: Varna, Novorossiysk, Sochi and Constanta. Russian cities have held large-scale works on the port area development and have prepared interesting programmes for both the guests and participants of the Regatta, as well as for the citizens. 22 training tall ships (including 9 A class vessels) from 9 countries of the world will participate. Some 1,500 young seafarers will be the Regatta participants.
The Regatta has been traditionally supported by the heads of participating states: RF President Vladimir Putin and the President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev. The organizer of the Regatta is Sail Training International, that is running Tall Ships Regattas all over the world starting from 1956.
Regatta organizer: Sail Training International
Title sponsor: Sovcomflot OJSC
General sponsor: Transneft OJSC
General partner: South Stream Transport B.V.
Official Sponsor: BOSCO
Sponsors: Transneft, Bosco di Ciliegi
Official Partner: Sochi Sea Club
Official partner: Abrau Durso Russian House of Wine
Information partnerss: Vedomosti, ITAR-TASS, Business FM, Conde Nast Traveller, Media-Group PortNews, Marine Policy of Russia, Yacht Russia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, editorial office of Moskovsky Komsomolets.
Regatta schedule:
Varna, Bulgaria: April 30 – May 3
Race one : May 4-9
Novorossiysk, Russia: May 9-12
Cruise-in-company : May 12-14
Sochi, Russia: May 15-18
Race two: May 18-24
Constanta, Romania: May 24 -27